module Make:
Parameters: |
Type of terms of the theory
Type of representants of terms of the theory
val name : string
Name of the theory
val is_mine_symb : Symbols.t -> bool
return true if the symbol is owned by the theory
val unsolvable : t -> bool
return true when the argument is an unsolvable function of the theory
val make : Term.t -> r * Literal.LT.t list
Give a representant of a term of the theory
val term_extract : r -> Term.t option
val type_info : t -> Ty.t
val embed : r -> t
val leaves : t -> r list
Give the leaves of a term of the theory
val subst : r -> r -> t -> r
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
solve r1 r2, solve the equality r1=r2 and return the substitution
val solve : r -> r -> (r * r) list
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val fully_interpreted : Symbols.t -> bool
module Rel:Sig.RELATION
with type r = r