open Format
type error =
| DuplicateTypeName of Hstring.t
| DuplicateSymb of Hstring.t
| UnknownType of Hstring.t
| UnknownSymb of Hstring.t
exception Error of error
let report fmt = function
| DuplicateTypeName s ->
fprintf fmt "duplicate type name for %a" Hstring.print s
| DuplicateSymb e ->
fprintf fmt "duplicate name for %a" Hstring.print e
| UnknownType s ->
fprintf fmt "unknown type %a" Hstring.print s
| UnknownSymb s ->
fprintf fmt "unknown symbol %a" Hstring.print s
type check_strategy = Lazy | Eager
module H = Hstring.H
module HSet = Hstring.HSet
let decl_types = H.create 17
let decl_symbs = H.create 17
let htrue = Hstring.make "True"
let hfalse = Hstring.make "False"
module Type = struct
type t = Hstring.t
let equal = Hstring.equal
let type_int =
let tint = Hstring.make "int" in
H.add decl_types tint Ty.Tint;
let type_real =
let treal = Hstring.make "real" in
H.add decl_types treal Ty.Treal;
let type_bool =
let tbool = Hstring.make "bool" in
H.add decl_types tbool Ty.Tbool;
let type_proc =
let tproc = Hstring.make "proc" in
H.add decl_types tproc Ty.Tint;
let declare_constructor ty c =
if H.mem decl_symbs c then raise (Error (DuplicateSymb c));
H.add decl_symbs c
( ~kind:Symbols.Constructor c, [], ty)
let declare t constrs =
if H.mem decl_types t then raise (Error (DuplicateTypeName t));
match constrs with
| [] ->
H.add decl_types t (Ty.Tabstract t)
| _ ->
let ty = Ty.Tsum (t, constrs) in
H.add decl_types t ty;
List.iter (fun c -> declare_constructor t c) constrs
let all_constructors () =
H.fold (fun _ c acc -> match c with
| Symbols.Name (h, Symbols.Constructor), _, _ -> h :: acc
| _ -> acc
) decl_symbs [htrue; hfalse]
let constructors ty =
if Hstring.equal ty type_bool then [htrue; hfalse]
else match H.find decl_types ty with
| Ty.Tsum (_ , cstrs) -> cstrs
| _ -> []
let declared_types () =
H.fold (fun ty _ acc -> ty :: acc) decl_types []
module Symbol = struct
type t = Hstring.t
let declare f args ret =
if H.mem decl_symbs f then raise (Error (DuplicateTypeName f));
(fun t ->
if not (H.mem decl_types t) then raise (Error (UnknownType t)) )
H.add decl_symbs f ( f, args, ret)
let type_of s = let _, args, ret = H.find decl_symbs s in args, ret
let declared s =
let res = H.mem decl_symbs s in
if not res then begin
eprintf "Not declared : %a in@." Hstring.print s;
H.iter (fun hs (sy, _, _) ->
eprintf "%a (=?%b) -> %a@." Hstring.print hs
( hs s = 0)
Symbols.print sy)
let not_builtin ty = Hstring.equal ty Type.type_proc ||
not (Hstring.equal ty Type.type_int || Hstring.equal ty Type.type_real ||
Hstring.equal ty Type.type_bool || Hstring.equal ty Type.type_proc)
let has_abstract_type s =
let _, ret = type_of s in
match H.find decl_types ret with
| Ty.Tabstract _ -> true
| _ -> false
let has_infinite_type s =
let _, ret = type_of s in
Hstring.equal ret Type.type_real ||
Hstring.equal ret Type.type_int ||
match H.find decl_types ret with
| Ty.Tabstract _ -> true
| _ -> false
let has_type_proc s =
Hstring.equal (snd (type_of s)) Type.type_proc
let _ =
H.add decl_symbs htrue (Symbols.True, [], Type.type_bool);
H.add decl_symbs hfalse (Symbols.False, [], Type.type_bool);
module Variant = struct
let constructors = H.create 17
let assignments = H.create 17
let find t x = try H.find t x with Not_found -> HSet.empty
let add t x v =
let s = find t x in
H.replace t x (HSet.add v s)
let assign_constr = add constructors
let assign_var x y =
if not (Hstring.equal x y) then
add assignments x y
let rec compute () =
let flag = ref false in
let visited = ref HSet.empty in
let rec dfs x s =
if not (HSet.mem x !visited) then
visited := HSet.add x !visited;
(fun y ->
let c_x = find constructors x in
let c_y = find constructors y in
let c = HSet.union c_x c_y in
if not (HSet.equal c c_x) then
H.replace constructors x c;
flag := true
dfs y (find assignments y)
) s
H.iter dfs assignments;
if !flag then compute ()
let hset_print fmt s =
HSet.iter (fun c -> Format.eprintf "%a, " Hstring.print c) s
let print () =
(fun x c ->
Format.eprintf "%a : %a = {%a}@."
Hstring.print x
Hstring.print (snd (Symbol.type_of x))
hset_print c)
let get_variants = H.find constructors
let set_of_list = List.fold_left (fun s x -> HSet.add x s) HSet.empty
let init l =
compute ();
(fun (x, nty) ->
if not (H.mem constructors x) then
let ty = H.find decl_types nty in
match ty with
| Ty.Tsum (_, l) ->
H.add constructors x (set_of_list l)
| _ -> ()) l;
H.clear assignments
let update_decl_types s old_ty x =
let new_ty = Hstring.(view old_ty ^ "_" ^ view x |> make) in
let l = HSet.elements s in
let ty = Ty.Tsum (new_ty, l) in
H.replace decl_types new_ty ty;
let close () =
compute ();
(fun x s ->
let sy, args, old_ty = H.find decl_symbs x in
let nty = update_decl_types s old_ty x in
H.replace decl_symbs x (sy, args, nty))
module Term = struct
type t = Term.t
type operator = Plus | Minus | Mult | Div | Modulo
let make_int i = (Num.string_of_num i)
let make_real r = Term.real (Num.string_of_num r)
let make_app s l =
let (sb, _, nty) = H.find decl_symbs s in
let ty = H.find decl_types nty in
Term.make sb l ty
with Not_found -> raise (Error (UnknownSymb s))
let t_true = Term.vrai
let t_false = Term.faux
let make_arith op t1 t2 =
let op =
match op with
| Plus -> Symbols.Plus
| Minus -> Symbols.Minus
| Mult -> Symbols.Mult
| Div -> Symbols.Div
| Modulo -> Symbols.Modulo
let ty =
if Term.is_int t1 && Term.is_int t2 then Ty.Tint
else if Term.is_real t1 && Term.is_real t2 then Ty.Treal
else assert false
Term.make (Symbols.Op op) [t1; t2] ty
let is_int = Term.is_int
let is_real = Term.is_real
module Formula = struct
type comparator = Eq | Neq | Le | Lt
type combinator = And | Or | Imp | Not
type literal = Literal.LT.t
type t =
| Lit of literal
| Comb of combinator * t list
let rec print fmt phi =
match phi with
| Lit a -> Literal.LT.print fmt a
| Comb (Not, [f]) ->
fprintf fmt "not (%a)" print f
| Comb (And, l) -> fprintf fmt "(%a)" (print_list "and") l
| Comb (Or, l) -> fprintf fmt "(%a)" (print_list "or") l
| Comb (Imp, [f1; f2]) ->
fprintf fmt "%a => %a" print f1 print f2
| _ -> assert false
and print_list sep fmt = function
| [] -> ()
| [f] -> print fmt f
| f::l -> fprintf fmt "%a %s %a" print f sep (print_list sep) l
let f_true = Lit Literal.LT.vrai
let f_false = Lit Literal.LT.faux
let make_lit cmp l =
let lit =
match cmp, l with
| Eq, [t1; t2] ->
Literal.Eq (t1, t2)
| Neq, ts ->
Literal.Distinct (false, ts)
| Le, [t1; t2] ->
Literal.Builtin (true, Hstring.make "<=", [t1; t2])
| Lt, [t1; t2] ->
Literal.Builtin (true, Hstring.make "<", [t1; t2])
| _ -> assert false
Lit (Literal.LT.make lit)
let rec sform = function
| Comb (Not, [Lit a]) -> Lit (Literal.LT.neg a)
| Comb (Not, [Comb (Not, [f])]) -> f
| Comb (Not, [Comb (Or, l)]) ->
let nl = (fun a -> sform (Comb (Not, [a]))) l in
Comb (And, nl)
| Comb (Not, [Comb (And, l)]) ->
let nl = (fun a -> sform (Comb (Not, [a]))) l in
Comb (Or, nl)
| Comb (Not, [Comb (Imp, [f1; f2])]) ->
Comb (And, [sform f1; sform (Comb (Not, [f2]))])
| Comb (And, l) ->
Comb (And, sform l)
| Comb (Or, l) ->
Comb (Or, sform l)
| Comb (Imp, [f1; f2]) ->
Comb (Or, [sform (Comb (Not, [f1])); sform f2])
| Comb (Imp, _) -> assert false
| f -> f
let make comb l = Comb (comb, l)
let make_or = function
| [] -> assert false
| [a] -> a
| l -> Comb (Or, l)
let distrib l_and l_or =
let l =
if l_or = [] then l_and
(fun x ->
match x with
| Lit _ -> Comb (Or, x::l_or)
| Comb (Or, l) -> Comb (Or, l@l_or)
| _ -> assert false
) l_and
Comb (And, l)
let rec flatten_or = function
| [] -> []
| Comb (Or, l)::r -> l@(flatten_or r)
| Lit a :: r -> (Lit a)::(flatten_or r)
| _ -> assert false
let rec flatten_and = function
| [] -> []
| Comb (And, l)::r -> l@(flatten_and r)
| a :: r -> a::(flatten_and r)
let rec cnf f =
match f with
| Comb (Or, hd::tl) ->
let hd' = cnf hd in
let tl' = cnf (Comb (Or, tl)) in
match hd', tl' with
| hd', Comb (And, tl') ->
Comb (And, (fun x -> cnf (Comb (Or, [hd'; x]))) tl')
| Comb (And, hd'), tl' ->
Comb (And, (fun x -> cnf (Comb (Or, [x; tl']))) hd')
| _, _ -> f
| Comb (And, l) ->
Comb (And, cnf l)
| f -> f
let ( @@ ) l1 l2 = List.rev_append l1 l2
let rec mk_cnf = function
| Comb (And, l) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc f -> (mk_cnf f) @@ acc) [] l
| Comb (Or, [f1;f2]) ->
let ll1 = mk_cnf f1 in
let ll2 = mk_cnf f2 in
(fun acc l1 -> (List.rev_map (fun l2 -> l1 @@ l2)ll2) @@ acc) [] ll1
| Comb (Or, f1 :: l) ->
let ll1 = mk_cnf f1 in
let ll2 = mk_cnf (Comb (Or, l)) in
(fun acc l1 -> (List.rev_map (fun l2 -> l1 @@ l2)ll2) @@ acc) [] ll1
| Lit a -> [[a]]
| Comb (Not, [Lit a]) -> [[Literal.LT.neg a]]
| _ -> assert false
let rec unfold mono f =
match f with
| Lit a -> a::mono
| Comb (Not, [Lit a]) ->
(Literal.LT.neg a)::mono
| Comb (Or, l) ->
List.fold_left unfold mono l
| _ -> assert false
let rec init monos f =
match f with
| Comb (And, l) ->
List.fold_left init monos l
| f -> (unfold [] f)::monos
let make_cnf f =
let sfnc = cnf (sform f) in
init [] sfnc
exception Unsat of int list
let set_cc b = Cc.cc_active := b
let set_arith b =
Combine.CX.set_arith_active b;
if b then Cc.cc_active := true
let set_sum = Combine.CX.set_sum_active
module type Solver = sig
val check_strategy : check_strategy
val get_time : unit -> float
val get_calls : unit -> int
val clear : unit -> unit
val assume : id:int -> Formula.t -> unit
val check : unit -> unit
val entails : Formula.t -> bool
val push : unit -> unit
val pop : unit -> unit
module Make (Options : sig val profiling : bool end) = struct
let check_strategy = Eager
let push_stack = Stack.create ()
let calls = ref 0
module Time = Timer.Make (Options)
let get_time = Time.get
let get_calls () = !calls
module CSolver = Solver.Make (Options)
let clear () =
Stack.clear push_stack;
CSolver.clear ()
let check_unsatcore uc =
eprintf "Unsat Core : @.";
(fun c ->
eprintf "%a@." (Formula.print_list "or")
( (fun x -> Formula.Lit x) c)) uc;
eprintf "@.";
clear ();
CSolver.assume uc 0;
CSolver.solve ();
eprintf "Not an unsat core !!!@.";
assert false
| Solver.Unsat _ -> ();
| Solver.Sat ->
eprintf "Sat: Not an unsat core !!!@.";
assert false
let export_unsatcore cl =
let uc = (fun {Solver_types.atoms=atoms} ->
let l = ref [] in
for i = 0 to Vec.size atoms - 1 do
l := (Vec.get atoms i).Solver_types.lit :: !l
!l) cl
module SInt =
Set.Make (struct type t = int let compare = end)
let export_unsatcore2 cl =
let s =
(fun s { = n} ->
try SInt.add (int_of_string n) s with _ -> s) SInt.empty cl
SInt.elements s
let assume ~id f =
Time.start ();
let cnf = (Formula.make_cnf f) in
CSolver.assume cnf id;
Time.pause ()
with Solver.Unsat ex ->
Time.pause ();
raise (Unsat (export_unsatcore2 ex))
let check () =
incr calls;
Time.start ();
CSolver.solve ();
Time.pause ()
| Solver.Sat -> Time.pause ()
| Solver.Unsat ex ->
Time.pause ();
raise (Unsat (export_unsatcore2 ex))
let save_state =
let restore_state = CSolver.restore
let entails f =
let st = save_state () in
let ans =
assume ~id:0 (Formula.make Formula.Not [f]) ;
check ();
with Unsat _ -> true
restore_state st;
let push () = Stack.push (save_state ()) push_stack
let pop () = Stack.pop push_stack |> restore_state