open Format
open Sig
open Exception
let max_split = Num.Int 1000000
let cc_active = ref true
module type S = sig
type t
module TimerCC : Timer.S
val empty : unit -> t
val assume : cs:bool ->
Literal.LT.t -> Explanation.t -> t -> t * Term.Set.t * int
val query : Literal.LT.t -> t -> answer
val class_of : t -> Term.t -> Term.t list
module Make (X : Sig.X) = struct
module TimerCC = Timer.Make(struct let profiling = false end)
module Ex = Explanation
module SetA = Use.SA
module Use = Use.Make(X)
module Uf = Uf.Make(X)
module T = Term
module A = Literal
module LR = A.Make(struct type t = X.r include X end)
module SetT = Term.Set
module S = Symbols
module SetX = Set.Make(struct type t = X.r let compare = end)
type env = {
use : Use.t;
uf : Uf.t ;
relation : X.Rel.t
type choice_sign =
| CPos of int
| CNeg
type t = {
gamma : env;
gamma_finite : env ;
choices : (X.r A.view * Num.num * choice_sign * Ex.t) list;
module Print = struct
let begin_case_split () = ()
let end_case_split () = ()
let cc r1 r2 = ()
let make_cst t ctx = ()
let add_to_use t = ()
let lrepr fmt = List.iter (fprintf fmt "%a " X.print)
let leaves t lvs = ()
let contra_congruence a ex = ()
let split_size sz = ()
let split_backtrack neg_c ex_c = ()
let split_assume c ex_c = ()
let split_backjump c dep = ()
let assume_literal sa = ()
let congruent a ex = ()
let query a = ()
let bottom = Hstring.make "@bottom"
let one, _ = X.make (Term.make ( bottom) [] Ty.Tint)
let concat_leaves uf l =
let rec concat_rec acc t =
match X.leaves (fst (Uf.find uf t)) , acc with
[] , _ -> one::acc
| res, [] -> res
| res , _ -> List.rev_append res acc
match List.fold_left concat_rec [] l with
[] -> [one]
| res -> res
let are_equal env ex t1 t2 =
if T.equal t1 t2 then ex
else match Uf.are_equal env.uf t1 t2 with
| Yes dep -> Ex.union ex dep
| No -> raise Exit
let equal_only_by_congruence env ex t1 t2 acc =
if T.equal t1 t2 then acc
let {T.f=f1; xs=xs1; ty=ty1} = T.view t1 in
if X.fully_interpreted f1 then acc
let {T.f=f2; xs=xs2; ty=ty2} = T.view t2 in
if Symbols.equal f1 f2 && Ty.equal ty1 ty2 then
let ex = List.fold_left2 (are_equal env) ex xs1 xs2 in
let a = A.LT.make (A.Eq(t1, t2)) in
Print.congruent a ex;
(LTerm a, ex) :: acc
with Exit -> acc
else acc
let congruents env t1 s acc ex =
SetT.fold (equal_only_by_congruence env ex t1) s acc
let fold_find_with_explanation find ex l =
(fun (lr, ex) t -> let r, ex_r = find t in r::lr, Ex.union ex_r ex)
([], ex) l
let view find va ex_a =
match va with
| A.Eq (t1, t2) ->
let r1, ex1 = find t1 in
let r2, ex2 = find t2 in
let ex = Ex.union (Ex.union ex1 ex2) ex_a in
A.Eq(r1, r2), ex
| A.Distinct (b, lt) ->
let lr, ex = fold_find_with_explanation find ex_a lt in
A.Distinct (b, lr), ex
| A.Builtin(b, s, l) ->
let lr, ex = fold_find_with_explanation find ex_a l in
A.Builtin(b, s, List.rev lr), ex
let term_canonical_view env a ex_a =
view (Uf.find env.uf) (A.LT.view a) ex_a
let canonical_view env a ex_a = view (Uf.find_r env.uf) a ex_a
let new_facts_by_contra_congruence env r bol ex =
match X.term_extract r with
| None -> []
| Some t1 ->
match T.view t1 with
| {T.f=f1 ; xs=[x]} ->
(fun acc t2 ->
match T.view t2 with
| {T.f=f2 ; xs=[y]} when S.equal f1 f2 ->
let a = A.LT.make (A.Distinct (false, [x; y])) in
let dist = LTerm a in
begin match Uf.are_distinct env.uf t1 t2 with
| Yes ex' ->
let ex_r = Ex.union ex ex' in
Print.contra_congruence a ex_r;
(dist, ex_r) :: acc
| No -> assert false
| _ -> acc
) [] (Uf.class_of env.uf bol)
| _ -> []
let contra_congruence =
let vrai,_ = X.make T.vrai in
let faux, _ = X.make T.faux in
fun env r ex ->
if X.equal (fst (Uf.find_r env.uf r)) vrai then
new_facts_by_contra_congruence env r T.faux ex
else if X.equal (fst (Uf.find_r env.uf r)) faux then
new_facts_by_contra_congruence env r T.vrai ex
else []
let clean_use =
(fun env (a, ex) ->
match a with
| LSem _ -> assert false
| LTerm t ->
match A.LT.view t with
| A.Distinct (_, lt)
| A.Builtin (_, _, lt) ->
let lvs = concat_leaves env.uf lt in
(fun env rx ->
let st, sa = Use.find rx env.use in
let sa = SetA.remove (t, ex) sa in
{ env with use = Use.add rx (st,sa) env.use }
) env lvs
| _ -> assert false
let rec congruence_closure env r1 r2 ex = r1 r2;
let uf, res = Uf.union env.uf r1 r2 ex in
(fun (env, l) (p, touched, v) ->
let p_t, p_a = Use.find p env.use in
let repr_touched = (fun (_,a,_) -> a) touched in
let st_others, sa_others = Use.congr_close_up env.use p repr_touched in
let nuse = Use.up_close_up env.use p v in
Use.print nuse;
let env = {env with use=nuse} in
let new_eqs =
SetT.fold (fun t l -> congruents env t st_others l ex) p_t l in
let touched_atoms = (fun (x,y,e)-> (LSem(A.Eq(x, y)), e)) touched
let touched_atoms = SetA.fold (fun (a, ex) acc ->
(LTerm a, ex)::acc) p_a touched_atoms in
let touched_atoms = SetA.fold (fun (a, ex) acc ->
(LTerm a, ex)::acc) sa_others touched_atoms in
env, new_eqs @ touched_atoms
) ({env with uf=uf}, []) res
let replay_atom env sa =
let relation, result = X.Rel.assume env.relation sa in
let env = { env with relation = relation } in
let env = clean_use env result.remove in
env, result.assume
let rec add_term env choices t ex =
if Uf.mem env.uf t then env, choices
else begin
Print.add_to_use t;
let {T.f = f; xs = xs} = T.view t in
let env, choices =
List.fold_left (fun (env, ch) t -> add_term env ch t ex)
(env, choices) xs
let nuf, ctx = Uf.add env.uf t in
Print.make_cst t ctx;
let rt, _ = Uf.find nuf t in
if !cc_active then
let lvs = concat_leaves nuf xs in
let nuse = Use.up_add env.use t rt lvs in
let rel = X.Rel.add env.relation rt in
Use.print nuse;
let st_uset = Use.congr_add nuse lvs in
let env = {uf = nuf; use = nuse; relation = rel} in
let ct = congruents env t st_uset [] ex in
let ct = ( (fun lt -> LTerm lt, ex) ctx) @ ct in
assume_literal env choices ct
let rel = X.Rel.add env.relation rt in
let env = {env with uf = nuf; relation = rel} in
env, choices
and add env choices a ex =
match A.LT.view a with
| A.Eq (t1, t2) ->
let env, choices = add_term env choices t1 ex in
add_term env choices t2 ex
| A.Distinct (_, lt)
| A.Builtin (_, _, lt) ->
let env, choices = List.fold_left
(fun (env, ch) t-> add_term env ch t ex) (env, choices) lt in
let lvs = concat_leaves env.uf lt in
let env = List.fold_left
(fun env rx ->
let st, sa = Use.find rx env.use in
{ env with
use = Use.add rx (st,SetA.add (a, ex) sa) env.use }
) env lvs
env, choices
and semantic_view env choices la =
(fun (env, choices, lsa) (a, ex) ->
match a with
| LTerm a ->
let env, choices = add env choices a ex in
let sa, ex = term_canonical_view env a ex in
env, choices, (sa, Some a, ex)::lsa
| LSem (A.Builtin _ as sa) ->
let sa, ex = canonical_view env sa ex in
env, choices, (sa, None, ex)::lsa
| LSem sa ->
env, choices, (sa, None, ex)::lsa)
(env, choices, []) la
and assume_literal env choices la =
if la = [] then env, choices
let env, choices, lsa = semantic_view env choices la in
let env, choices =
(fun (env, choices) (sa, _, ex) ->
Print.assume_literal sa;
match sa with
| A.Eq(r1, r2) ->
if !cc_active then
let env, l = congruence_closure env r1 r2 ex in
let env, choices = assume_literal env choices l in
let env, choices =
assume_literal env choices (contra_congruence env r1 ex)
assume_literal env choices (contra_congruence env r2 ex)
{env with uf = fst(Uf.union env.uf r1 r2 ex)}, choices
| A.Distinct (false, lr) ->
if Uf.already_distinct env.uf lr then env, choices
{env with uf = Uf.distinct env.uf lr ex}, choices
| A.Distinct (true, _) -> assert false
| A.Builtin _ -> env, choices)
(env, choices) lsa
let env, l = replay_atom env lsa in
assume_literal env (choices@l) l
let look_for_sat ?(bad_last=No) ch t base_env l =
let rec aux ch bad_last dl base_env li =
match li, bad_last with
| [], _ ->
match X.Rel.case_split base_env.relation with
| [] ->
{ t with gamma_finite = base_env; choices = List.rev dl }, ch
| l ->
let l =
(fun (c, ex_c, size) ->
let exp = Ex.fresh_exp () in
let ex_c_exp = Ex.add_fresh exp ex_c in
(c, size, CPos exp, ex_c_exp)) l in
let sz =
(fun acc (a,s,_,_) ->
Num.mult_num acc s) (Num.Int 1) (l@dl) in
Print.split_size sz;
if Num.le_num sz max_split then aux ch No dl base_env l
{ t with gamma_finite = base_env; choices = List.rev dl }, ch
| ((c, size, CNeg, ex_c) as a)::l, _ ->
let base_env, ch = assume_literal base_env ch [LSem c, ex_c] in
aux ch bad_last (a::dl) base_env l
| ((c, size, CPos exp, ex_c_exp) as a)::l, _ ->
Print.split_assume (LR.make c) ex_c_exp;
let base_env, ch = assume_literal base_env ch [LSem c, ex_c_exp] in
aux ch bad_last (a::dl) base_env l
with Exception.Inconsistent dep ->
match Ex.remove_fresh exp dep with
| None ->
Print.split_backjump (LR.make c) dep;
raise (Exception.Inconsistent dep)
| Some dep ->
let neg_c = LR.neg (LR.make c) in
Print.split_backtrack neg_c dep;
aux ch No dl base_env [LR.view neg_c, Num.Int 1, CNeg, dep]
aux ch bad_last (List.rev t.choices) base_env l
let try_it f t =
Print.begin_case_split ();
let r =
if t.choices = [] then look_for_sat [] t t.gamma []
let env, lt = f t.gamma_finite in
look_for_sat lt t env []
with Exception.Inconsistent dep ->
look_for_sat ~bad_last:(Yes dep)
[] { t with choices = []} t.gamma t.choices
with Exception.Inconsistent d ->
Print.end_case_split ();
raise (Exception.Inconsistent d)
Print.end_case_split (); r
let extract_from_semvalues =
(fun acc r ->
match X.term_extract r with Some t -> SetT.add t acc | _ -> acc)
let extract_terms_from_choices =
(fun acc (a, _, _, _) ->
match a with
| A.Eq(r1, r2) -> extract_from_semvalues acc [r1; r2]
| A.Distinct (_, l) -> extract_from_semvalues acc l
| _ -> acc)
let extract_terms_from_assumed =
(fun acc (a, _) ->
match a with
| LTerm r -> begin
match Literal.LT.view r with
| Literal.Eq (t1, t2) ->
SetT.add t1 (SetT.add t2 acc)
| Literal.Distinct (_, l) | Literal.Builtin (_, _, l) ->
List.fold_right SetT.add l acc
| _ -> acc)
let assume ~cs a ex t =
let a = LTerm a in
let gamma, ch = assume_literal t.gamma [] [a, ex] in
let t = { t with gamma = gamma } in
let t, ch =
if cs then try_it (fun env -> assume_literal env ch [a, ex] ) t
else t, ch
let choices = extract_terms_from_choices SetT.empty t.choices in
let all_terms = extract_terms_from_assumed choices ch in
t, all_terms, 1
let class_of t term = Uf.class_of t.gamma.uf term
let add_and_process a t =
let aux a ex env =
let gamma, l = add env [] a ex in assume_literal gamma [] l
let gamma, _ = aux a Ex.empty t.gamma in
let t = { t with gamma = gamma } in
let t, _ = try_it (aux a Ex.empty) t in
Use.print t.gamma.use; t
let query a t =
Print.query a;
match A.LT.view a with
| A.Eq (t1, t2) ->
let t = add_and_process a t in
Uf.are_equal t.gamma.uf t1 t2
| A.Distinct (false, [t1; t2]) ->
let na = A.LT.neg a in
let t = add_and_process na t in
Uf.are_distinct t.gamma.uf t1 t2
| A.Distinct _ ->
assert false
| _ ->
let na = A.LT.neg a in
let t = add_and_process na t in
let env = t.gamma in
let rna, ex_rna = term_canonical_view env na Ex.empty in
X.Rel.query env.relation (rna, Some na, ex_rna)
with Exception.Inconsistent d -> Yes d
let empty () =
let env = {
use = Use.empty ;
uf = Uf.empty ;
relation = X.Rel.empty ();
let t = { gamma = env; gamma_finite = env; choices = [] } in
let t, _, _ =
assume ~cs:false
(A.LT.make (A.Distinct (false, [T.vrai; T.faux]))) Ex.empty t
in t