(**************************************************************************) |
(* *)
(* Cubicle *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 *)
(* *)
(* Sylvain Conchon and Alain Mebsout *)
(* Universite Paris-Sud 11 *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software *)
(* License version 2.0 *)
(* *)
(**************************************************************************) |
open Options
open Util
open Types
open Ast
module H = Hstring
(* Trie, mapping cubes to value of type 'a *)
type 'a t =
| Empty
| Full of 'a
| Node of (Atom.t * 'a t) list
let empty = Empty
(* Test emptiness of a trie *)
let is_empty = function
| Empty -> true
| _ -> false
(* Add a mapping cube->v to trie *)
let rec add cube v trie = match trie with
| Empty -> List.fold_right (fun a t -> Node [a,t]) cube (Full v)
| Full _ -> trie
| Node l -> match cube with
| [] -> Full v
| atom::cube -> Node (add_to_list atom cube v l)
and add_to_list atom cube v l = match l with
| [] -> [atom, add cube v Empty]
| (atom',t')::n ->
let cmp = Atom.compare atom atom' in
if cmp = 0 then (atom, add cube v t')::n
else if cmp > 0 then (atom',t')::(add_to_list atom cube v n)
else (atom, add cube v Empty)::l
(* Add a mapping cube->v to trie without checking for subsomption *)
let rec add_force cube v trie = match trie with
| Empty -> List.fold_right (fun a t -> Node [a,t]) cube (Full v)
| Full _ -> trie
| Node l -> match cube with
| [] -> Full v
| atom::cube -> Node (add_force_to_list atom cube v l)
and add_force_to_list atom cube v l = match l with
| [] -> [atom, add_force cube v Empty]
| (atom',t')::n ->
let cmp = Atom.compare atom atom' in
if cmp > 0 then (atom',t')::(add_force_to_list atom cube v n)
else (atom, add_force cube v Empty)::l
(* (\* Add a mapping cube->v to trie *\) *)
(* let rec add_array cube v trie = match trie with *)
(* | Empty -> Array.fold_right (fun a t -> Node [a,t]) cube (Full v) *)
(* | Full _ -> trie *)
(* | Node l -> *)
(* if Array.length cube = 0 then Full v *)
(* else Node (add_array_to_list *)
(* cube.(0) (Array.sub cube 1 (Array.length cube - 1)) *)
(* v l) *)
(* and add_array_to_list atom cube v l = match l with *)
(* | [] -> [atom, add_array cube v Empty] *)
(* | (atom',t')::n -> *)
(* let cmp = Atom.compare atom atom' in *)
(* if cmp = 0 then (atom, add_array cube v t')::n *)
(* else if cmp > 0 then (atom',t')::(add_array_to_list atom cube v n) *)
(* else (atom, add_array cube v Empty)::l *)
(* (\* Add a mapping cube->v to trie without checking for subsomption *\) *)
(* let rec add_array_force cube v trie = match trie with *)
(* | Empty -> Array.fold_right (fun a t -> Node [a,t]) cube (Full v) *)
(* | Full _ -> trie *)
(* | Node l -> *)
(* if Array.length cube = 0 then Full v *)
(* else Node (add_array_force_to_list *)
(* cube.(0) (Array.sub cube 1 (Array.length cube - 1)) *)
(* v l) *)
(* and add_array_force_to_list atom cube v l = match l with *)
(* | [] -> [atom, add_array_force cube v Empty] *)
(* | (atom',t')::n -> *)
(* let cmp = Atom.compare atom atom' in *)
(* if cmp > 0 then (atom',t')::(add_array_force_to_list atom cube v n) *)
(* else (atom, add_array_force cube v Empty)::l *)
let add_array cube v trie = add (Array.to_list cube) v trie
let add_array_force cube v trie = add_force (Array.to_list cube) v trie
(* Is cube subsumed by some cube in the trie? *)
let rec mem cube trie = match trie with
| Empty -> None
| Full { tag = id } -> Some [id]
| Node l -> match cube with
| [] -> None
| atom::cube ->
mem_list atom cube l
and mem_list atom cube l = match l with
| [] -> None
| (atom',t')::n ->
(* let cmp = Atom.compare atom atom' in *)
let cmp = - (Atom.trivial_is_implied atom' atom) in
if cmp = 0 then match mem cube t' with
| Some _ as r -> r
| None -> match cube with
| [] -> None
| atom::cube -> mem_list atom cube l
else if cmp > 0 then mem_list atom cube n
else match cube with
| [] -> None
| atom::cube -> mem_list atom cube l
let rec mem_poly cube trie = match trie with
| Empty -> false
| Full _ -> true
| Node l -> match cube with
| [] -> false
| atom::cube ->
mem_poly_list atom cube l
and mem_poly_list atom cube l = match l with
| [] -> false
| (atom',t')::n ->
(* let cmp = Atom.compare atom atom' in *)
let cmp = - (Atom.trivial_is_implied atom' atom) in
if cmp = 0 then match mem_poly cube t' with
| true -> true
| false -> match cube with
| [] -> false
| atom::cube -> mem_poly_list atom cube l
else if cmp > 0 then mem_poly_list atom cube n
else match cube with
| [] -> false
| atom::cube -> mem_poly_list atom cube l
(* (\* Is cube subsumed by some cube in the trie? *\) *)
(* let rec mem_array cube trie = *)
(* match trie with *)
(* | Empty -> None *)
(* | Full { tag = id } -> Some [id] *)
(* | Node l -> *)
(* if Array.length cube = 0 then None *)
(* else mem_array_list *)
(* cube.(0) (Array.sub cube 1 (Array.length cube - 1)) l *)
(* and mem_array_list atom cube l = match l with *)
(* | [] -> None *)
(* | (atom',t')::n -> *)
(* (\* let cmp = Atom.compare atom atom' in *\) *)
(* let cmp = - (Atom.trivial_is_implied atom' atom) in *)
(* if cmp = 0 then *)
(* match mem_array cube t' with *)
(* | None -> *)
(* if Array.length cube = 0 then None *)
(* else mem_array_list *)
(* cube.(0) (Array.sub cube 1 (Array.length cube - 1)) l *)
(* | Some _ as r -> r *)
(* else if cmp > 0 then mem_array_list atom cube n *)
(* else if Array.length cube = 0 then None *)
(* else mem_array_list *)
(* cube.(0) (Array.sub cube 1 (Array.length cube - 1)) l *)
let mem_array a trie = mem (Array.to_list a) trie
(* (\* Is cube subsumed by some cube in the trie? *\) *)
(* let rec mem_array_poly cube trie = *)
(* match trie with *)
(* | Empty -> false *)
(* | Full _ -> true *)
(* | Node l -> *)
(* if Array.length cube = 0 then false *)
(* else mem_array_poly_list *)
(* cube.(0) (Array.sub cube 1 (Array.length cube - 1)) l *)
(* and mem_array_poly_list atom cube l = match l with *)
(* | [] -> false *)
(* | (atom',t')::n -> *)
(* (\* let cmp = Atom.compare atom atom' in *\) *)
(* let cmp = - (Atom.trivial_is_implied atom' atom) in *)
(* if cmp = 0 then *)
(* mem_array_poly cube t' || *)
(* (Array.length cube <> 0 && *)
(* mem_array_poly_list *)
(* cube.(0) (Array.sub cube 1 (Array.length cube - 1)) l *)
(* ) *)
(* else if cmp > 0 then mem_array_poly_list atom cube n *)
(* else (Array.length cube <> 0 && *)
(* mem_array_poly_list *)
(* cube.(0) (Array.sub cube 1 (Array.length cube - 1)) l) *)
let mem_array_poly a trie = mem_poly (Array.to_list a) trie
let mem c t =
TimerSubset.start ();
let res = mem c t in
TimerSubset.pause ();
(* Apply f to all values mapped to in the trie. *)
let rec iter f trie = match trie with
| Empty -> ()
| Full v -> f v
| Node l -> List.iter (fun (_,t) -> iter f t) l
let mem_array c t =
(* Format.eprintf "memarray %a in@." Pretty.print_array c; *)
(* iter (fun s -> Format.eprintf ">>> %a\n@." Pretty.print_array s.t_arru) t; *)
TimerSubset.start ();
let res = mem_array c t in
TimerSubset.pause ();
(* Fold f to all values mapped to in the trie. *)
let rec fold f acc trie = match trie with
| Empty -> acc
| Full v -> f acc v
| Node l -> List.fold_left (fun acc (_,t) -> fold f acc t) acc l
(* Apply f to all values whose keys (cubes) are subsumed by the given cube. *)
let rec iter_subsumed f cube trie = match cube, trie with
| [], _ -> iter f trie
| _, Empty
| _, Full _ -> ()
| _, Node l -> iter_subsumed_list f cube l
and iter_subsumed_list f cube l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| (atom',t')::n ->
let atom = List.hd cube in
let cmp = Atom.compare atom atom' in
if cmp=0 then
iter_subsumed f (List.tl cube) t'
else if cmp>0 then begin
iter_subsumed f cube t';
iter_subsumed_list f cube n
(* Delete all values which satisfy the predicate p *)
let rec delete p trie = match trie with
| Empty -> Empty
| Full v -> if p v then Empty else trie
| Node l ->
let l' = delete_list p l in
if l == l' then trie else Node l'
and delete_list p l = match l with
| [] -> []
| (atom, t):: n ->
let t' = delete p t in
let n' = delete_list p n in
if t'==t && n'==n then l else (atom,t')::n'
(* List of all values mapped by the trie *)
let rec all_vals = function
| Empty -> []
| Full v -> [v]
| Node l ->
List.flatten (List.fold_left (fun acc (_,t) -> (all_vals t)::acc) [] l)
(* All values whose keys (cubes) are not inconsistent with the given cube. *)
let rec consistent cube trie = match cube, trie with
| [], _ -> all_vals trie
| _, Empty -> []
| _, Full v -> [v]
| (atom::cube), Node l -> List.flatten (List.map (consistent_list atom cube) l)
and consistent_list atom cube ((atom', t') as n) = match (atom, atom') with
| Atom.Comp (Elem (v1, Glob), Eq, Elem (x1, Constr)),
Atom.Comp (Elem (v2, Glob), Eq, Elem (x2, Constr))
| Atom.Comp (Elem (v1, Glob), Eq, Elem (x1, Var)),
Atom.Comp (Elem (v2, Glob), Eq, Elem (x2, Var))
when H.equal v1 v2 && not (H.equal x1 x2) ->
| Atom.Comp (Elem (v1, Glob), Eq, Elem (x1, Constr)),
Atom.Comp (Elem (v2, Glob), (Neq|Lt), Elem (x2, Constr))
when H.equal v1 v2 && H.equal x1 x2 ->
| Atom.Comp (Access (a1,li1), Eq, (Elem (_,(Constr|Glob)) | Arith _ as x1)),
Atom.Comp (Access (a2,li2), Eq, (Elem (_,(Constr|Glob)) | Arith _ as x2))
when H.equal a1 a2 && H.list_equal li1 li2 && Term.compare x1 x2 <> 0 ->
| Atom.Comp (Access (a1,li1), Eq,
(Elem (_, (Constr|Glob)) | Arith _ as x1)),
Atom.Comp (Access (a2,li2), (Neq | Lt),
(Elem (_, (Constr|Glob)) | Arith _ as x2))
when H.equal a1 a2 && H.list_equal li1 li2 && Term.compare x1 x2 = 0 ->
| _, _ ->
let cmp = Atom.compare atom atom' in
if cmp = 0 then consistent cube t'
else if cmp < 0 then match cube with
| [] -> all_vals t'
| atom::cube -> consistent_list atom cube n
else consistent (atom::cube) t'
let rec add_and_resolve n visited =
let visited =
fold (fun visited nv ->
match Cube.resolve_two n.cube nv.cube with
| None -> visited
| Some cube_res -> add_and_resolve (Node.create cube_res) visited
) visited visited in
add_array (Node.array n) n visited
let delete_subsumed ?(cpt=ref 0) p nodes =
let vars, ap = Node.variables p, Node.array p in
let substs = Variable.all_permutations vars vars in
List.iter (fun ss ->
let u = ArrayAtom.apply_subst ss ap in
iter_subsumed (fun n ->
if Node.has_deleted_ancestor n || not (Node.ancestor_of n p) then begin
n.deleted <- true;
if dot then Dot.delete_node_by n p;
incr cpt;
) (Array.to_list u) nodes;
) substs;
(* iter (fun n -> if Node.has_deleted_ancestor n then *)
(* n.deleted <- true; *)
(* ) nodes; *)
delete (fun n -> n.deleted || Node.has_deleted_ancestor n) nodes
let add_node p trie = add_array (Node.array p) p trie