open Format
open Options
open Ast
open Types
open Atom
open Pervasives
module H = Hstring
type inst_trans =
i_reqs : SAtom.t;
i_udnfs : SAtom.t list list;
i_actions : SAtom.t;
i_touched_terms : Term.Set.t;
let prime_h h =
Hstring.make ((Hstring.view h)^"@0")
let rec prime_term t = match t with
| Elem (e, Glob) -> Elem (prime_h e, Glob)
| Arith (x, c) -> Arith (prime_term x, c)
| Access (a, lx) -> Access (prime_h a, lx)
| _ -> t
let rec prime_atom a = match a with
| True | False -> a
| Comp (t1, op, t2) -> Comp (prime_term t1, op, prime_term t2)
| Ite (sa, a1, a2) ->
Ite (prime_satom sa, prime_atom a1, prime_atom a2)
and prime_satom sa =
SAtom.fold (fun a acc -> SAtom.add (prime_atom a) acc) sa SAtom.empty
let unprime_h h =
let s = Hstring.view h in
Hstring.make (String.sub s 0 (String.index s '@'))
let rec unprime_term t = match t with
| Elem (e, Glob) -> Elem (unprime_h e, Glob)
| Arith (x, c) -> Arith (unprime_term x, c)
| Access (a, lx) -> Access (unprime_h a, lx)
| _ -> t
let is_prime s =
let pos_at = String.rindex s '@' in
ignore (int_of_string
(String.sub s (pos_at + 1) (String.length s - pos_at - 1)));
| Not_found -> false
| Invalid_argument _ -> false
| Failure _ -> false
let rec is_prime_term = function
| Const _ -> false
| Elem (s, _) | Access (s, _) ->
is_prime (Hstring.view s)
| Arith (x, _) -> is_prime_term x
let rec is_prime_atom = function
| True | False -> false
| Comp (t1, _, t2) ->
is_prime_term t1 || is_prime_term t2
| Ite (sa, a1, a2) ->
is_prime_atom a1 || is_prime_atom a2 || SAtom.exists is_prime_atom sa
let rec is_const = function
| Const _ | Elem (_, (Constr | Var)) -> true
| Arith (x, _) -> is_const x
| _ -> false
exception Found_const of (op_comp * term)
let find_const_value g init =
SAtom.iter (function
| Comp (g', op, t') when g g' = 0 ->
if is_const t' then raise (Found_const (op, t'))
| Comp (t', op, g') when g g' = 0 ->
if is_const t' then raise (Found_const (op, t'))
| _ -> ()) init;
raise Not_found
with Found_const c -> c
let find_const_value g init = match g with
| Arith (g', c) ->
let op, t = find_const_value g' init in
match t with
| Const c' -> op, Const (add_constants c c')
| _ -> assert false
| _ -> find_const_value g init
let rec elim_prime_atom init = function
| True -> None
| False -> Some False
| Comp (t1, Eq, t2) ->
let t1, t2 =
if is_prime_term t1 && not (is_prime_term t2) then t2, t1
else t1, t2 in
assert (not (is_prime_term t1));
if not (is_prime_term t2) then Some (Comp (t1, Eq, t2))
else begin
let op, t2' = find_const_value t2 init in
Some (Comp (t1, op, t2'))
with Not_found -> None
| Ite (sa, a1, a2) ->
let a1 = match elim_prime_atom init a1 with
| None -> True
| Some a1 -> a1 in
let a2 = match elim_prime_atom init a2 with
| None -> True
| Some a2 -> a2 in
Some (Ite (elim_prime init sa, a1, a2))
| _ -> assert false
and elim_prime init sa =
let sa =
(fun a acc ->
match elim_prime_atom init a with
| None -> acc
| Some na -> SAtom.add na acc)
sa SAtom.empty
exception Found_eq of term * term * Atom.t
exception Found_neq of term * term * Atom.t
let rec apply_subst_terms_atom t t' a = match a with
| True | False -> a
| Comp (t1, op, t2) ->
if t t1 = 0 then Comp (t', op, t2)
else if t t2 = 0 then Comp (t1, op, t')
else a
| Ite (sa, a1, a2) -> Ite (apply_subst_terms_atoms t t' sa,
apply_subst_terms_atom t t' a1,
apply_subst_terms_atom t t' a2)
and apply_subst_terms_atoms t t' sa =
(fun a acc -> SAtom.add (apply_subst_terms_atom t t' a) acc)
sa SAtom.empty
let elim_primed_term t sa =
SAtom.iter (fun a -> match a with
| Comp (t1, Eq, t2) ->
if t t1 = 0 && is_const t2 then raise (Found_eq (t1, t2, a));
if t t2 = 0 && is_const t1 then raise (Found_eq (t2, t1, a))
| _ -> ()) sa;
SAtom.iter (fun a -> match a with
| Comp (t1, Eq, t2) ->
if t t1 = 0 then raise (Found_eq (t1, t2, a));
if t t2 = 0 then raise (Found_eq (t2, t1, a))
| _ -> ()) sa;
SAtom.iter (fun a -> match a with
| Comp (t1, Neq, t2) ->
if t t1 = 0 then raise (Found_neq (t1, t2, a));
if t t2 = 0 then raise (Found_neq (t2, t1, a))
| _ -> ()) sa;
| Found_eq (t, t', a) ->
let rsa = SAtom.remove a sa in
apply_subst_terms_atoms t t' rsa
| Found_neq (t, t', a) -> sa
type primed_value = Const_Eq | Var_Eq | Var_Neq
let elim_primed_term t sa =
let r = SAtom.fold (fun a res -> match a with
| Comp (t1, Eq, t2) ->
if t t1 = 0 then
match res with
| None ->
Some (Eq, t1, t2, a)
| Some (Eq, _, t', _) when t2 t' < 0 ->
Some (Eq, t1, t2, a)
| _ -> res
else if t t2 = 0 then
match res with
| None ->
Some (Eq, t2, t1, a)
| Some (Eq, _, t', _) when t1 t' < 0 ->
Some (Eq, t2, t1, a)
| _ -> res
else res
| Comp (t1, Neq, t2) ->
if t t1 = 0 then
match res with
| None -> Some (Neq, t1, t2, a)
| _ -> res
else if t t2 = 0 then
match res with
| None -> Some (Neq, t2, t1, a)
| _ -> res
else res
| Comp (t1, op, t2) ->
if t t1 = 0 || t t2 = 0 then
match res with
| None -> Some (op, t1, t2, a)
| _ -> res
else res
| _ -> res) sa None
match r with
| None -> sa
| Some (Eq, t, t', a) ->
let rsa = SAtom.remove a sa in
apply_subst_terms_atoms t t' rsa
| Some (_, _, _, a) -> SAtom.remove a sa
let primed_terms_of_atom a =
let rec primed_terms_of_atom a acc = match a with
| True | False -> acc
| Comp (t1, _, t2) ->
let acc = if is_prime_term t1 then Term.Set.add t1 acc else acc in
if is_prime_term t2 then Term.Set.add t2 acc else acc
| Ite (sa, a1, a2) ->
primed_terms_of_atom a1
(primed_terms_of_atom a2
(SAtom.fold primed_terms_of_atom sa acc))
primed_terms_of_atom a Term.Set.empty
exception First_primed_atom of Atom.t * Term.Set.t
let first_primed_atom sa =
SAtom.iter (fun a ->
let pts = primed_terms_of_atom a in
if not (Term.Set.is_empty pts) then raise (First_primed_atom (a, pts))
) sa;
raise Not_found
with First_primed_atom (a, pts) -> a, pts
let rec elim_prime2 sa =
let sa =
let a, pts = first_primed_atom sa in
let sa = Term.Set.fold elim_primed_term pts sa in
elim_prime2 sa
with Not_found -> sa
let rec elim_prime3 init sa =
let pts =
SAtom.fold (fun a acc -> Term.Set.union (primed_terms_of_atom a) acc )
sa Term.Set.empty in
let sa =
SAtom.fold (fun a sa -> match a with
| Comp (t1, op, t2) ->
if Term.Set.mem t1 pts || Term.Set.mem t2 pts then SAtom.add a sa
else sa
| _ -> sa) init sa
elim_prime2 sa
let gauss_elim sa =
SAtom.fold (fun a sa -> match a with
| Comp ((Elem(_,Glob) as t1), Eq, (Elem(_,Glob) as t2)) ->
let rsa = SAtom.remove a sa in
let rsa = apply_subst_terms_atoms t1 t2 rsa in
SAtom.add a rsa
| _ -> sa
) sa sa
exception Found_prime_term of term
let choose_prime_term sa =
SAtom.iter (function
| Comp (t1, eq, t2) ->
if is_prime_term t1 then raise (Found_prime_term t1);
if is_prime_term t2 then raise (Found_prime_term t2)
| _ -> ()) sa;
raise Not_found
with Found_prime_term t -> t
let split_prime_atoms t sa =
SAtom.fold (fun a (yes, no) -> match a with
| Comp (t1, Eq, t2) when t t1 = 0 || t t2 = 0 ->
SAtom.add a yes, no
| _ -> yes, SAtom.add a no) sa (SAtom.empty, SAtom.empty)
let aux_corss t t' sa =
SAtom.fold (fun a acc -> match a with
| Comp (t1, Eq, t2) ->
if t t1 = 0 then SAtom.add (Comp (t', Eq, t2)) acc
else if t t2 = 0 then SAtom.add (Comp (t', Eq, t1)) acc
else assert false
| _ -> assert false) sa SAtom.empty
let cross t sa =
SAtom.fold (fun a acc -> match a with
| Comp (t1, Eq, t2) ->
let t' = if t t1 = 0 then t2 else t1 in
SAtom.union (aux_corss t t' (SAtom.remove a sa)) acc
| _ -> assert false
) sa SAtom.empty
let rec gauss_prime_elim sa =
let t = choose_prime_term sa in
let yes, no = split_prime_atoms t sa in
let sa = SAtom.union (cross t yes) no in
gauss_prime_elim sa
with Not_found -> sa
module MH = Map.Make (Hstring)
let rec type_of_term = function
| Const m ->
MConst.fold (fun c _ _ -> match c with
| ConstReal _ -> Smt.Type.type_real
| ConstInt _ -> Smt.Type.type_int
| ConstName x ->
let x = if is_prime (Hstring.view x) then unprime_h x else x in
snd (Smt.Symbol.type_of x)
) m Smt.Type.type_int
| Elem (x, _) | Access (x, _) ->
let x = if is_prime (Hstring.view x) then unprime_h x else x in
snd (Smt.Symbol.type_of x)
| Arith (t, _) -> type_of_term t
let rec type_of_atom = function
| True | False -> None
| Comp (t, _, _) -> Some (type_of_term t)
| Ite (_, a1, a2) ->
let ty = type_of_atom a1 in if ty = None then type_of_atom a2 else ty
let partition_by_type sa =
let mtype, other =
SAtom.fold (fun a (mtype, other) ->
match type_of_atom a with
| None -> mtype, SAtom.add a other
| Some ty ->
let sty = try MH.find ty mtype with Not_found -> SAtom.empty in
MH.add ty (SAtom.add a sty) mtype, other
with Not_found -> mtype, SAtom.add a other
) sa (MH.empty, SAtom.empty)
in mtype, other
let elim_prime_type1 sa =
let mtype, other = partition_by_type sa in
MH.fold (fun _ sa acc ->
SAtom.union (elim_prime2 sa) acc)
mtype SAtom.empty
let is_finite_type ty =
try ignore(Smt.Variant.get_variants ty); true
with Not_found -> Hstring.equal ty Smt.Type.type_bool
let elim_prime_type2 init sa =
let i_mtype, i_other = partition_by_type init in
let mtype, other = partition_by_type sa in
MH.fold (fun ty sa acc ->
let si = try MH.find ty i_mtype with Not_found -> SAtom.empty in
let s =
if is_finite_type ty then elim_prime si sa
else elim_prime2 (SAtom.union si sa)
in SAtom.union s acc
) mtype SAtom.empty
let wrapper_elim_prime p_init sa =
let sa = elim_prime_type2 p_init sa in
Cube.simplify_atoms sa
let swts_to_ites at swts sigma =
let rec sd acc = function
| [] -> assert false
| [d] -> acc, d
| s::r -> sd (s::acc) r in
let swts, (d, t) = sd [] swts in
let t = Term.subst sigma (prime_term t) in
let default = Comp (at, Eq, t) in
List.fold_left (fun ites (sa, t) ->
let sa = SAtom.subst sigma (prime_satom sa) in
let t = Term.subst sigma (prime_term t) in
Ite (sa, Comp (at, Eq, t), ites)
) default swts
let apply_assigns assigns sigma =
(fun (nsa, terms) (h, gu) ->
let nt = Elem (h, Glob) in
let sa =
match gu with
| UTerm t ->
let t = Term.subst sigma t in
begin match t with
| Arith (t, c) ->
let nt = Arith(nt, mult_const (-1) c) in
Comp (nt, Eq, prime_term t)
| _ -> Comp (nt, Eq, prime_term t)
| UCase swts -> swts_to_ites nt swts sigma
SAtom.add sa nsa, Term.Set.add nt terms)
(SAtom.empty, Term.Set.empty) assigns
let add_update (sa, st) {up_arr=a; up_arg=lj; up_swts=swts} procs sigma =
let at = Access (a, lj) in
let ites = swts_to_ites at swts sigma in
let indexes = Variable.all_arrangements_arity a procs in
List.fold_left (fun (sa, st) li ->
let sigma = List.combine lj li in
SAtom.add (Atom.subst sigma ites) sa,
Term.Set.add (Access (a, li)) st
) (sa, st) indexes
let apply_updates upds procs sigma =
(fun acc up -> add_update acc up procs sigma)
(SAtom.empty, Term.Set.empty) upds
let preserve_terms upd_terms sa =
let unc = Term.Set.diff (Cube.satom_globs sa) upd_terms in
Term.Set.fold (fun t acc ->
SAtom.add (Comp (t, Eq, prime_term t)) acc)
unc SAtom.empty
let uguard_dnf sigma args tr_args = function
| [] -> []
| [j, dnf] ->
let uargs = List.filter (fun a -> not (H.list_mem a tr_args)) args in (fun i -> (fun sa -> SAtom.subst ((j, i)::sigma) sa) dnf) uargs
| _ -> assert false
let possible_init args init reqs =
not (Cube.inconsistent_set (SAtom.union init reqs))
let possible_guard args all_args tr_args sigma init reqs ureqs =
let reqs = SAtom.subst sigma reqs in
possible_init args init reqs &&
let t_args_ef =
List.fold_left (fun acc p ->
try (Variable.subst sigma p) :: acc
with Not_found -> p :: acc) [] tr_args in
let udnfs = uguard_dnf sigma all_args t_args_ef ureqs in
List.for_all (List.exists (possible_init all_args init)) udnfs
let possible_inst_guard args all_args init reqs udnfs =
possible_init args init reqs &&
List.for_all (List.exists (possible_init all_args init)) udnfs
let missing_args procs tr_args =
let rec aux p t pv =
match p, t, pv with
| [], _::_, _ ->
let f, s = List.split (Variable.build_subst t pv) in
List.rev f, List.rev s
| _::rp, _::rt, _::rpv -> aux rp rt rpv
| _, [], _ -> [],[]
| _, _::_, [] -> assert false
aux procs tr_args Variable.procs
let rec term_contains_arg z = function
| Elem (x, Var) -> Hstring.equal x z
| Access (_, lx) -> Hstring.list_mem z lx
| Arith (x, _) -> term_contains_arg z x
| _ -> false
let rec atom_contains_arg z = function
| True | False -> false
| Comp (t1, _, t2) -> term_contains_arg z t1 || term_contains_arg z t2
| Ite (sa, a1, a2) -> atom_contains_arg z a1 || atom_contains_arg z a2 ||
SAtom.exists (atom_contains_arg z) sa
let abstract_others sa others =
SAtom.filter (fun a ->
not (List.exists (fun z -> atom_contains_arg z a) others)) sa
let post init all_procs procs { tr_args = tr_args;
tr_reqs = reqs;
tr_name = name;
tr_ureq = ureqs;
tr_assigns = assigns;
tr_upds = upds;
tr_nondets = nondets } =
let tr_others, others = missing_args procs tr_args in
let d = Variable.all_permutations tr_args procs in
let d = if d = [] then [[]] else d in
let p_init = prime_satom init in
List.fold_left (fun acc sigma ->
if possible_guard procs all_procs tr_args sigma init reqs ureqs then
let assi, assi_terms = apply_assigns assigns sigma in
let upd, upd_terms = apply_updates upds all_procs sigma in
let unchanged = preserve_terms (Term.Set.union assi_terms upd_terms) init in
let sa = Cube.simplify_atoms_base p_init
(SAtom.union unchanged (SAtom.union assi upd)) in
let sa = abstract_others sa tr_others in
List.fold_left (fun acc sa ->
let sa = wrapper_elim_prime p_init sa in
let csa = Cube.create_normal sa in
let sa, nargs = csa.Cube.litterals, csa.Cube.vars in
(sa, nargs) :: acc)
acc (Cube.elim_ite_simplify_atoms sa)
else acc
) [] d
let post_inst init all_procs procs { i_reqs = reqs;
i_udnfs = udnfs;
i_actions = actions;
i_touched_terms = touched_terms } =
if possible_inst_guard procs all_procs init reqs udnfs then
let p_init = prime_satom init in
let unchanged = preserve_terms touched_terms init in
let sa = Cube.simplify_atoms_base p_init (SAtom.union unchanged actions) in
List.fold_left (fun acc sa ->
let sa = wrapper_elim_prime p_init sa in
let csa = Cube.create_normal sa in
let sa, nargs = csa.Cube.litterals, csa.Cube.vars in
(sa, nargs) :: acc
with Exit -> acc)
[] (Cube.elim_ite_simplify_atoms sa)
else []
module HSA : Hashtbl.S with type key = SAtom.t = Hashtbl.Make (SAtom)
module HI = Hashtbl.Make
type t = int
let equal = (=)
let hash x = x end)
let already_seen sa args h =
let d = Variable.all_permutations args args in
List.exists (fun sigma ->
let sa = SAtom.subst sigma sa in
HSA.mem h sa) d
let forward s procs trs l =
let h_visited = HSA.create 200_029 in
let cpt_f = ref 0 in
let rec forward_rec s procs trs = function
| [] -> eprintf "Total forward nodes : %d@." !cpt_f
| (sa, args) :: to_do ->
if false && !cpt_f > 400_000 then ()
else (
if HSA.mem h_visited sa then
forward_rec s procs trs to_do
let new_td =
List.fold_left (fun new_td tr ->
List.fold_left (fun new_td s ->
s :: new_td
) new_td (post_inst sa args procs tr)
) [] trs
incr cpt_f;
if debug then
eprintf "%d : %a\n@." !cpt_f SAtom.print sa
else if !cpt_f mod 1000 = 0 then eprintf "%d (%d)@." !cpt_f
(List.length to_do + List.length new_td);
let d = Variable.all_permutations args args in
(fun sigma -> HSA.add h_visited (SAtom.subst sigma sa) ()) d;
forward_rec s procs trs (List.rev_append new_td to_do)
forward_rec s procs trs l;
let var_term_unconstrained sa t =
SAtom.for_all (function
| Comp (t1, _, t2) -> t t1 <> 0 && t t2 <> 0
| _ -> true) sa
let unconstrained_terms sa = Term.Set.filter (var_term_unconstrained sa)
module MA = Map.Make (Atom)
let lit_abstract = function
| Comp ((Elem (x, _) | Access (x,_)), _, _) ->
Smt.Symbol.has_abstract_type x
| _ -> false
let add_compagnions_from_node all_var_terms sa =
SAtom.fold (fun a mc ->
if lit_abstract a then mc
let rsa = SAtom.remove a sa in
let unc = unconstrained_terms rsa all_var_terms in
let old_comps, old_uncs =
try MA.find a mc with Not_found -> SAtom.empty, Term.Set.empty in
MA.add a (SAtom.union rsa old_comps, Term.Set.union unc old_uncs) mc
) sa
let stateless_forward s procs trs all_var_terms l =
let h_visited = HI.create 2_000_029 in
let cpt_f = ref 0 in
let rec forward_rec s procs trs mc = function
| [] -> eprintf "Total forward nodes : %d@." !cpt_f; mc
| (sa, args) :: to_do ->
let hsa = SAtom.hash sa in
if HI.mem h_visited hsa then
forward_rec s procs trs mc to_do
let new_td =
List.fold_left (fun new_td tr ->
List.fold_left (fun new_td s ->
s :: new_td
) new_td (post_inst sa args procs tr)
) [] trs
incr cpt_f;
if debug then eprintf "%d : %a@." !cpt_f SAtom.print sa
else if !cpt_f mod 1000 = 0 then eprintf "%d (%d)@." !cpt_f
(List.length to_do + List.length new_td);
let d = Variable.all_permutations args args in
let mc =
List.fold_left (fun mc sigma ->
let sa = SAtom.subst sigma sa in
HI.add h_visited (SAtom.hash sa) ();
add_compagnions_from_node all_var_terms sa mc
) mc d in
forward_rec s procs trs mc (List.rev_append new_td to_do)
forward_rec s procs trs MA.empty l
let make_init_cdnf args lsa lvars =
match args, lvars with
| [], _ ->
| _, [] ->
(SAtom.filter (fun a ->
not (List.exists (fun z -> has_var z a) args)))
| _ ->
let lsigs = Variable.all_instantiations args lvars in
List.fold_left (fun conj sigma ->
let dnf = List.fold_left (fun dnf sa ->
let sa = SAtom.subst sigma sa in
try (Cube.simplify_atoms_base SAtom.empty sa) :: dnf
with Exit -> dnf
) [] lsa in
dnf :: conj
) [] lsigs
let rec cdnf_to_dnf_rec acc = function
| [] ->
List.rev_map (fun sa ->
sa, Variable.Set.elements (SAtom.variables sa)) acc
| [] :: r ->
cdnf_to_dnf_rec acc r
| dnf :: r ->
let acc =
List.flatten (List.rev_map (fun sac ->
List.rev_map (SAtom.union sac) dnf) acc) in
cdnf_to_dnf_rec acc r
let cdnf_to_dnf = function
| [] -> [SAtom.singleton Atom.False, []]
| l -> cdnf_to_dnf_rec [SAtom.singleton Atom.True] l
let mkinits procs ({t_init = ia, l_init}) =
cdnf_to_dnf (make_init_cdnf ia l_init procs)
let instance_of_transition { tr_args = tr_args;
tr_reqs = reqs;
tr_name = name;
tr_ureq = ureqs;
tr_assigns = assigns;
tr_upds = upds;
tr_nondets = nondets } all_procs tr_others sigma =
let reqs = SAtom.subst sigma reqs in
let t_args_ef =
List.fold_left (fun acc p ->
try (Variable.subst sigma p) :: acc
with Not_found -> p :: acc) [] tr_args in
let udnfs = uguard_dnf sigma all_procs t_args_ef ureqs in
let assi, assi_terms = apply_assigns assigns sigma in
let upd, upd_terms = apply_updates upds all_procs sigma in
let act = Cube.simplify_atoms (SAtom.union assi upd) in
let act = abstract_others act tr_others in
let nondet_terms =
List.fold_left (fun acc h -> Term.Set.add (Elem (h, Glob)) acc)
Term.Set.empty nondets in
i_reqs = reqs;
i_udnfs = udnfs;
i_actions = act;
i_touched_terms =
Term.Set.union (Term.Set.union assi_terms nondet_terms) upd_terms
let instantiate_transitions all_procs procs trans =
let aux acc {tr_info = tr} =
let tr_others,others = missing_args procs tr.tr_args in
let d = Variable.all_permutations tr.tr_args procs in
let d = if d = [] then [[]] else d in
List.fold_left (fun acc sigma ->
instance_of_transition tr all_procs tr_others sigma :: acc
) acc d
List.fold_left aux [] trans
let all_var_terms procs {t_globals = globals; t_arrays = arrays} =
let acc, gp =
(fun (acc, gp) g ->
Term.Set.add (Elem (g, Glob)) acc, gp
) (Term.Set.empty, []) globals
List.fold_left (fun acc a ->
let indexes = Variable.all_arrangements_arity a (procs@gp) in
List.fold_left (fun acc lp ->
Term.Set.add (Access (a, lp)) acc)
acc indexes)
acc arrays
let search procs init =
let inst_trans = instantiate_transitions procs procs init.t_trans in
forward init procs inst_trans (mkinits procs init)
let search_stateless procs init =
let var_terms = all_var_terms procs init in
let inst_trans = instantiate_transitions procs procs init.t_trans in
stateless_forward init procs inst_trans var_terms (mkinits procs init)
let search_only s = assert false
exception Reachable of
(SAtom.t * transition_info * Variable.subst * SAtom.t) list
let all_partitions s =
List.fold_left (fun acc x ->
[x] :: (fun l -> x :: l) acc) [] (List.rev s)
let mkinits_up_to procs_sets s =
match procs_sets with
| [] | [[]] -> mkinits [] s
| _ ->
(fun acc procs -> List.rev_append (mkinits procs s) acc) [] procs_sets
let above s trace =
let rec above_rec s acc = function
| tx :: (_, _, y) :: _ when s.tag = y.tag -> List.rev (tx :: acc)
| tx :: r -> above_rec s (tx :: acc) r
| _ -> assert false
above_rec s [] trace
type possible_result =
| Reach of (SAtom.t * transition_info * Variable.subst * SAtom.t) list
| Spurious of trace
| Unreach
let possible_trace ~starts ~finish ~procs ~trace =
let usa = Node.litterals finish in
let rec forward_rec ls rtrace = match ls, rtrace with
| _, [] ->
List.iter (fun (sa, args, hist) ->
try Prover.reached procs usa sa; raise (Reachable hist)
with Smt.Unsat _ -> ()
) ls;
| [], (_, _, s) ::_ ->
Spurious (above s trace)
| _, (tr, _, _) :: rest_trace ->
let nls =
if List.length tr.tr_args > List.length procs then []
List.fold_left (fun acc sigma ->
let itr = instance_of_transition tr procs [] sigma in
List.fold_left (fun acc (sa, args, hist) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc (nsa, nargs) ->
let new_hist = (sa, tr, sigma, nsa) :: hist in
try Prover.reached procs usa nsa; raise (Reachable new_hist)
with Smt.Unsat _ -> (nsa, nargs, new_hist) :: acc
) acc (post_inst sa args procs itr)
) acc ls
) [] (Variable.all_permutations tr.tr_args procs)
forward_rec nls rest_trace
let init = (fun (isa, iargs)-> isa, iargs, []) starts in
forward_rec init trace
| Reachable hist -> Reach hist
let rec list_excedent = function
| _, [] -> assert false
| [], l2 -> l2
| _ :: l1, _ :: l2 -> list_excedent (l1, l2)
let rec equal_trace_woargs tr1 tr2 =
match tr1, tr2 with
| [], [] -> true
| [], _ -> false
| _, [] -> false
| (x, _, _)::r1, (y, _, _)::r2 ->
Hstring.equal x.tr_name y.tr_name && equal_trace_woargs r1 r2
module HTrace =
Hashtbl.Make (
type t = (transition_info * Hstring.t list * t_system) list
let equal = equal_trace_woargs
let hash = Hashtbl.hash_param 50 100
let procs_on_trace trace =
let all_procs_set =
List.fold_left (fun acc (_, procs_t, n) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc p -> Hstring.HSet.add p acc) acc
(List.rev_append procs_t
(Variable.Set.elements (SAtom.variables (Node.litterals n))))
) Hstring.HSet.empty trace
Hstring.HSet.elements all_procs_set
let reachable_on_trace_from_init s unsafe trace =
let all_procs = procs_on_trace trace in
let proc_sets = [all_procs] in
let inits = mkinits_up_to proc_sets s in
match possible_trace ~starts:inits ~finish:unsafe ~procs:all_procs ~trace with
| Spurious _ | Unreach -> Unreach
| Reach _ as r -> r
let reachable_on_all_traces_from_init s unsafe trace =
let all_procs = procs_on_trace trace in
let proc_sets = [all_procs] in
let inits = mkinits_up_to proc_sets s in
possible_trace ~starts:inits ~finish:unsafe ~procs:all_procs ~trace
let possible_history s =
let trace = s.from in
let all_procs = procs_on_trace trace in
let iargs, isa = Node.variables s, Node.litterals s in
possible_trace ~starts:[isa, iargs] ~finish:(Node.origin s)
~procs:all_procs ~trace
let spurious s =
match possible_history s with
| Unreach | Spurious _ -> true
| Reach hist -> false
let spurious_error_trace system s =
match reachable_on_all_traces_from_init system (Node.origin s) s.from with
| Spurious _ -> assert false
| Unreach -> true
| Reach hist -> false
let spurious_due_to_cfm system s =
match reachable_on_trace_from_init system (Node.origin s) s.from with
| Unreach | Spurious _ -> true
| Reach hist -> false
let replay_history system s =
match reachable_on_trace_from_init system (Node.origin s) s.from with
| Unreach | Spurious _ -> None
| Reach hist -> Some hist
let conflicting_from_trace s trace =
let all_procs = procs_on_trace trace in
let rec forward_rec acc ls trace = match trace with
| [] -> acc
| (tr, procs, _) :: rest_trace ->
let sigma = List.combine tr.tr_args procs in
let itr = instance_of_transition tr all_procs [] sigma in
let nls, acc =
List.fold_left (fun (nls, acc) (sa, args) ->
List.fold_left (fun (nls, acc) (nsa, nargs) ->
(nsa, nargs) :: nls, nsa :: acc
) (nls, acc) (post_inst sa args all_procs itr)
) ([], acc) ls
forward_rec acc nls rest_trace
forward_rec [] (mkinits all_procs s) trace