( X : OrderType ) = struct
type elem = X.t
type t = Empty | Node of elem * t * t
let empty = Empty
let rec fusion t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| _ , Empty -> t1
| Empty , _ -> t2
| Node (m1, g1, d1), Node (m2, g2, d2) ->
if X.compare m1 m2 <= 0 then Node (m1, d1, fusion g1 t2)
else Node (m2, d2, fusion g2 t1)
let pop = function
| Empty -> raise EmptyHeap
| Node(m, g, d) -> m, fusion g d
let add h l =
List.fold_left (fun h x -> fusion (Node(x, Empty, Empty)) h ) h l
let elements h =
let rec elements_aux acc = function
| Empty -> acc
| Node (m1 ,g1 ,d1) -> elements_aux (m1 :: acc) (fusion g1 d1)
elements_aux [] h
let length h =
let rec length_aux acc = function
| Empty -> acc
| Node (_ ,g ,d) -> length_aux (length_aux (acc + 1) g) d
length_aux 0 h