open Format
open Options
open Ast
open Util
open Types
module H = Hstring
let filter_impos perms impos =
List.filter (fun sigma ->
not (List.exists (List.for_all
(fun (x,y) -> H.list_mem_couple (x,y) sigma))
let rec all_permutations_impos l1 l2 impos =
filter_impos (Variable.all_permutations l1 l2) impos
let list_rev_split =
List.fold_left (fun (l1, l2) (x, y) -> x::l1, y::l2) ([], [])
let list_rev_combine =
List.fold_left2 (fun acc x1 x2 -> (x1, x2) :: acc) []
exception NoPermutations
let find_impossible a1 lx1 op c1 i2 a2 n2 impos obvs =
let i2 = ref i2 in
while !i2 < n2 do
let a2i = a2.(!i2) in
(match a2i, op with
| Atom.Comp (Access (a2, _), _, _), _ when not (H.equal a1 a2) ->
i2 := n2
| Atom.Comp (Access (a2, lx2), Eq,
(Elem (_, Constr) | Elem (_, Glob) | Arith _ as c2)), (Neq | Lt)
when c1 c2 = 0 ->
if List.for_all2
(fun x1 x2 -> H.list_mem_couple (x1, x2) obvs) lx1 lx2 then
raise NoPermutations;
impos := (list_rev_combine lx1 lx2) :: !impos
| Atom.Comp (Access (a2, lx2), (Neq | Lt),
(Elem (_, Constr) | Elem (_, Glob) | Arith _ as c2)), Eq
when c1 c2 = 0 ->
if List.for_all2
(fun x1 x2 -> H.list_mem_couple (x1, x2) obvs) lx1 lx2 then
raise NoPermutations;
impos := (list_rev_combine lx1 lx2) :: !impos
| Atom.Comp (Access (a2, lx2), Eq, (Elem (_, Constr) as c2)), Eq
when c1 c2 <> 0 ->
if List.for_all2
(fun x1 x2 -> H.list_mem_couple (x1, x2) obvs) lx1 lx2 then
raise NoPermutations;
impos := (list_rev_combine lx1 lx2) :: !impos
| _ -> ());
incr i2
let clash_binding (x,y) l =
try not (H.equal (H.list_assoc_inv y l) x)
with Not_found -> false
let add_obv ((x,y) as p) obvs =
try if clash_binding p !obvs || not (H.equal (H.list_assoc x !obvs) y) then
raise NoPermutations
with Not_found -> obvs := p :: !obvs
let obvious_impossible a1 a2 =
let n1 = Array.length a1 in
let n2 = Array.length a2 in
let obvs = ref [] in
let impos = ref [] in
let i1 = ref 0 in
let i2 = ref 0 in
while !i1 < n1 && !i2 < n2 do
let a1i = a1.(!i1) in
let a2i = a2.(!i2) in
(match a1i, a2i with
| Atom.Comp (Elem (x1, sx1), Eq, Elem (y1, sy1)),
Atom.Comp (Elem (x2, sx2), Eq, Elem (y2, sy2)) ->
match sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2 with
| Glob, Constr, Glob, Constr
when H.equal x1 x2 && not (H.equal y1 y2) ->
raise NoPermutations
| Glob, Var, Glob, Var when H.equal x1 x2 ->
add_obv (y1,y2) obvs
| Glob, Var, Var, Glob when H.equal x1 y2 ->
add_obv (y1,x2) obvs
| Var, Glob, Glob, Var when H.equal y1 x2 ->
add_obv (x1,y2) obvs
| Var, Glob, Var, Glob when H.equal y1 y2 ->
add_obv (x1,x2) obvs
| _ -> ()
| Atom.Comp (Elem (x1, sx1), Eq, Elem (y1, sy1)),
Atom.Comp (Elem (x2, sx2), (Neq | Lt), Elem (y2, sy2)) ->
match sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2 with
| Glob, Constr, Glob, Constr
when H.equal x1 x2 && H.equal y1 y2 ->
raise NoPermutations
| _ -> ()
| Atom.Comp (Access (a1, lx1), op,
(Elem (_, Constr) | Elem (_, Glob) | Arith _ as c1)),
Atom.Comp (Access (a, _), _,
(Elem (_, Constr) | Elem (_, Glob) | Arith _ ))
when H.equal a1 a ->
find_impossible a1 lx1 op c1 !i2 a2 n2 impos !obvs
| _ -> ());
if a1i a2i <= 0 then incr i1 else incr i2
!obvs, !impos
let relevant_permutations np p l1 l2 =
TimeRP.start ();
let obvs, impos = obvious_impossible p np in
let obvl1, obvl2 = list_rev_split obvs in
let l1 = List.filter (fun b -> not (H.list_mem b obvl1)) l1 in
let l2 = List.filter (fun b -> not (H.list_mem b obvl2)) l2 in
let perm = all_permutations_impos l1 l2 impos in
let r = List.rev_map (List.rev_append obvs) perm in
TimeRP.pause ();
with NoPermutations -> TimeRP.pause (); []
let relevant ~of_cube ~to_cube =
let of_vars, to_vars = of_cube.Cube.vars, to_cube.Cube.vars in
let dif = Variable.extra_vars of_vars to_vars in
let to_vars = if dif = [] then to_vars else to_vars@dif in
relevant_permutations to_cube.Cube.array of_cube.Cube.array of_vars to_vars
let exhaustive ~of_cube ~to_cube =
let of_vars, to_vars = of_cube.Cube.vars, to_cube.Cube.vars in
let dif = Variable.extra_vars of_vars to_vars in
let to_vars = if dif = [] then to_vars else to_vars@dif in
Variable.all_permutations of_vars to_vars