open Num
open Format
module Ex = Explanation
type borne =
| Strict of (num * Ex.t)
| Large of (num * Ex.t)
| Pinfty | Minfty
let compare_bornes b1 b2 =
match b1, b2 with
| Minfty, Minfty | Pinfty, Pinfty -> 0
| Minfty, _ | _, Pinfty -> -1
| Pinfty, _ | _, Minfty -> 1
| Strict (v1, _), Strict (v2, _) | Large (v1, _), Large (v2, _)
| Strict (v1, _), Large (v2, _) | Large (v1, _), Strict (v2, _) ->
compare_num v1 v2
let compare_bu_bl b1 b2 =
match b1, b2 with
| (Minfty | Pinfty), _ | _,(Minfty | Pinfty)
| Strict _, Strict _ | Large _, Large _ ->
compare_bornes b1 b2
| Strict (v1, _), Large (v2, _) | Large (v1, _), Strict (v2, _) ->
let c = compare_num v1 v2 in
if c = 0 then -1 else c
let compare_bl_bu b1 b2 =
match b1, b2 with
| (Minfty | Pinfty), _ | _,(Minfty | Pinfty)
| Strict _, Strict _ | Large _, Large _ ->
compare_bornes b1 b2
| Strict (v1, _), Large (v2, _) | Large (v1, _), Strict (v2, _) ->
let c = compare_num v1 v2 in
if c = 0 then 1 else c
let compare_bl_bl b1 b2 =
match b1, b2 with
| (Minfty | Pinfty), _ | _,(Minfty | Pinfty)
| Strict _, Strict _ | Large _, Large _ ->
compare_bornes b1 b2
| Strict (v1, _), Large (v2, _) ->
let c = compare_num v1 v2 in
if c = 0 then 1 else c
| Large (v1, _), Strict (v2, _) ->
let c = compare_num v1 v2 in
if c = 0 then -1 else c
let compare_bu_bu b1 b2 =
match b1, b2 with
| (Minfty | Pinfty), _ | _,(Minfty | Pinfty)
| Strict _, Strict _ | Large _, Large _ ->
compare_bornes b1 b2
| Strict (v1, _), Large (v2, _) ->
let c = compare_num v1 v2 in
if c = 0 then -1 else c
| Large (v1, _), Strict (v2, _) ->
let c = compare_num v1 v2 in
if c = 0 then 1 else c
type t = {
ints : (borne * borne) list;
is_int : bool;
expl: Ex.t
exception EmptyInterval of Ex.t
exception NotConsistent of Ex.t
exception Not_a_float
let print_borne fmt = function
| Minfty -> fprintf fmt "-inf"
| Pinfty -> fprintf fmt "+inf"
| Strict (v, e) | Large (v, e) ->
fprintf fmt "%s" (string_of_num v)
let print_interval fmt (b1,b2) =
let c1, c2 = match b1, b2 with
| Large _, Large _ -> '[', ']'
| Large _, _ -> '[', '['
| _, Large _ -> ']', ']'
| _, _ -> ']', '['
fprintf fmt "%c%a;%a%c" c1 print_borne b1 print_borne b2 c2
let print fmt {ints = ints; is_int = b; expl = e } =
List.iter (fun i -> fprintf fmt "%a" print_interval i) ints
let undefined ty = {
ints = [Minfty, Pinfty];
is_int = ty = Ty.Tint;
expl = Ex.empty
let point b ty e = {
ints = [Large (b, e), Large (b, e)];
is_int = ty = Ty.Tint;
expl = Ex.empty
let explain_borne = function
| Large (_, e) | Strict (_, e) -> e
| _ -> Ex.empty
let add_expl_to_borne b e =
match b with
| Large (n, e') -> Large (n, Ex.union e e')
| Strict (n, e') -> Strict (n, Ex.union e e')
| Pinfty | Minfty -> b
let borne_of k e n = if k then Large (n, e) else Strict (n, e)
let is_point { ints = l; expl = e } =
match l with
| [Large (v1, e1) , Large (v2, e2)] when v1 =/ v2 ->
Some (v1, Ex.union e2 (Ex.union e1 e))
| _ -> None
let add_expl_zero i expl =
let res = (fun x ->
match x with
| (Large ((Num.Int 0), e1) , Large ((Num.Int 0), e2)) ->
(Large ((Num.Int 0), Ex.union e1 expl),
Large ((Num.Int 0), Ex.union e2 expl))
| _ -> x) i.ints in
{ i with ints = res }
let check_one_interval b1 b2 is_int =
match b1, b2 with
| Pinfty, _ | _, Minfty -> raise (EmptyInterval Ex.empty)
| (Strict (v1, e1) | Large (v1,e1)),
(Strict (v2, e2) | Large (v2, e2)) ->
let c = compare_num v1 v2 in
if c > 0 then raise
(EmptyInterval (Ex.union e2 e1));
if c = 0 then begin
match b1, b2 with
| Large _, Large _ when not is_int || is_integer_num v1 ->
| _ -> raise (EmptyInterval (Ex.union e2 e1))
| _ -> ()
let min_borne b1 b2 =
match b1, b2 with
| Minfty , _ | _ , Minfty -> Minfty
| b , Pinfty | Pinfty, b -> b
| (Strict (v1, _) | Large (v1, _)) , (Strict (v2, _) | Large (v2, _)) ->
let c = compare_num v1 v2 in
if c < 0 then b1
else if c > 0 then b2
else match b1, b2 with
| (Strict _ as b) , _ | _, (Strict _ as b) -> b
| _, _ -> b1
let max_borne b1 b2 =
match b1, b2 with
| Pinfty , _ | _ , Pinfty -> Pinfty
| b , Minfty | Minfty, b -> b
| (Strict (v1, _) | Large (v1, _)) , (Strict (v2, _) | Large (v2, _)) ->
let c = compare_num v1 v2 in
if c > 0 then b1
else if c < 0 then b2
else match b1, b2 with
| (Strict _ as b) , _ | _, (Strict _ as b) -> b
| _, _ -> b1
let pos_borne b1 =
compare_bornes b1 (borne_of true Ex.empty (Int 0)) >= 0
let pos_borne_strict b1 =
compare_bornes b1 (borne_of true Ex.empty (Int 0)) > 0
let neg_borne b1 =
compare_bornes b1 (borne_of true Ex.empty (Int 0)) <= 0
let neg_borne_strict b1 =
compare_bornes b1 (borne_of true Ex.empty (Int 0)) < 0
let zero_borne b1 =
compare_bornes b1 (borne_of true Ex.empty (Int 0)) = 0
exception Found of Sig.answer
let doesnt_contain_0 {ints=l} =
let max = List.fold_left
(fun old_u (l, u) ->
if neg_borne l && pos_borne u then raise (Found Sig.No);
if neg_borne_strict old_u && pos_borne_strict l then
raise (Found
(explain_borne old_u) (explain_borne l))));
u) Minfty l in
if neg_borne_strict max then Sig.Yes (explain_borne max)
else Sig.No
with Found ans -> ans
let is_strict_smaller i1 i2 =
match i1, i2 with
| _, [] -> false
| [], _ -> true
| _ ->
List.iter2 (fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) ->
if compare_bornes l1 l2 > 0 || compare_bornes u1 u2 < 0
then raise Exit
) i1 i2;
| Exit -> true
| Invalid_argument _ -> List.length i1 > List.length i2
let is_strict_smaller {ints=i1} {ints=i2} =
is_strict_smaller i1 i2
let rec union_bornes l =
match l with
| [] | [_] -> l
| (l1, u1)::((l2, u2)::r as r2) ->
if compare_bornes u1 l2 < 0 then
(l1, u1)::(union_bornes r2)
else if compare_bornes u1 u2 > 0 then
union_bornes ((l1, u1)::r)
union_bornes ((l1, u2)::r)
let union ({ints = l} as uints) =
let l = List.sort (fun (l1, _) (l2, _) -> compare_bornes l1 l2) l in
{ uints with ints = union_bornes l }
let add_borne b1 b2 =
match b1,b2 with
| Minfty, Pinfty | Pinfty, Minfty -> assert false
| Minfty, _ | _, Minfty -> Minfty
| Pinfty, _ | _, Pinfty -> Pinfty
| Large (v1, e1), Large (v2, e2) ->
Large (v1 +/ v2, Ex.union e1 e2)
| (Large (v1, e1) | Strict (v1, e1)), (Large (v2, e2) | Strict (v2, e2)) ->
Strict (v1 +/ v2, Ex.union e1 e2)
let add_interval l (b1,b2) =
(fun (b1', b2') l ->
let l1 = ((add_borne b1 b1'),(add_borne b2 b2'))::l in
union_bornes (l1)
) l []
let add {ints = l1; is_int = is_int; expl = e1} {ints = l2; expl = e2}=
let l =
(fun l bs -> let i = add_interval l1 bs in i@l) [] l2
union { ints = l ; is_int = is_int; expl = Ex.union e1 e2 }
let minus_borne = function
| Minfty -> Pinfty
| Pinfty -> Minfty
| Large (v, e) -> Large (minus_num v, e)
| Strict (v, e) -> Strict (minus_num v, e)
let scale_borne n b =
assert (n >=/ Int 0);
if n =/ Int 0 then
match b with
| Pinfty | Minfty -> Large (Int 0, Ex.empty)
| Large (_, e) | Strict (_, e) -> Large (Int 0, e)
else match b with
| Pinfty | Minfty -> b
| Large (v, e) -> Large (n */ v, e)
| Strict (v, e) -> Strict (n */ v, e)
let scale_interval n (b1,b2) =
if n </ Int 0 then
(minus_borne (scale_borne (minus_num n) b2),
minus_borne (scale_borne (minus_num n) b1))
else (scale_borne n b1, scale_borne n b2)
let scale n uints =
let l = (scale_interval n) uints.ints in
union { uints with ints = l; expl = uints.expl }
let mult_borne b1 b2 =
match b1,b2 with
| Minfty, Pinfty | Pinfty, Minfty -> assert false
| Minfty, b | b, Minfty ->
if compare_bornes b (borne_of true Ex.empty (Int 0)) = 0
then b
else if pos_borne b then Minfty
else Pinfty
| Pinfty, b | b, Pinfty ->
if compare_bornes b (borne_of true Ex.empty (Int 0)) = 0
then b
else if pos_borne b then Pinfty
else Minfty
| Strict (v1, e1), Strict (v2, e2) | Strict (v1, e1), Large (v2, e2)
| Large (v1, e1), Strict (v2, e2) ->
Strict (v1 */ v2, Ex.union e1 e2)
| Large (v1, e1), Large (v2, e2) ->
Large (v1 */ v2, Ex.union e1 e2)
let mult_borne_inf b1 b2 =
match b1,b2 with
| Minfty, Pinfty | Pinfty, Minfty -> Minfty
| _, _ -> mult_borne b1 b2
let mult_borne_sup b1 b2 =
match b1,b2 with
| Minfty, Pinfty | Pinfty, Minfty -> Pinfty
| _, _ -> mult_borne b1 b2
type interval_class =
| P of Ex.t
| M of Ex.t
| N of Ex.t
| Z
let class_of (l,u) =
if zero_borne l && zero_borne u then Z
else if pos_borne l && pos_borne u then P (explain_borne l)
else if neg_borne l && neg_borne u then N (explain_borne u)
else M (Ex.union (explain_borne l) (explain_borne u))
let mult_bornes (a,b) (c,d) =
match class_of (a,b), class_of (c,d) with
| P e1, P e2 ->
mult_borne_inf a c, mult_borne_sup b d, Ex.union e1 e2
| P e1, M e2 ->
mult_borne_inf b c, mult_borne_sup b d, Ex.union e1 e2
| P e1, N e2 ->
mult_borne_inf b c, mult_borne_sup a d, Ex.union e1 e2
| M e1, P e2 ->
mult_borne_inf a d, mult_borne_sup b d, Ex.union e1 e2
| M e1, M e2 ->
min_borne (mult_borne_inf a d) (mult_borne_inf b c),
max_borne (mult_borne_sup a c) (mult_borne_sup b d),
Ex.union e1 e2
| M e1, N e2 ->
mult_borne_inf b c, mult_borne_sup a c, Ex.union e1 e2
| N e1, P e2 ->
mult_borne_inf a d, mult_borne_sup b c, Ex.union e1 e2
| N e1, M e2 ->
mult_borne_inf a d, mult_borne_sup a c, Ex.union e1 e2
| N e1, N e2 ->
mult_borne_inf b d, mult_borne_sup a c, Ex.union e1 e2
| Z, (P _ | M _ | N _ | Z) -> (a, b, Ex.empty)
| (P _ | M _ | N _ ), Z -> (c, d, Ex.empty)
let rec power_borne_inf p b =
match p with
| 1 -> b
| p -> mult_borne_inf b (power_borne_inf (p-1) b)
let rec power_borne_sup p b =
match p with
| 1 -> b
| p -> mult_borne_sup b (power_borne_sup (p-1) b)
let max_merge b1 b2 =
let ex = Ex.union (explain_borne b1) (explain_borne b2) in
let max = max_borne b1 b2 in
match max with
| Minfty | Pinfty -> max
| Large (v, e) -> Large (v, ex)
| Strict (v, e) -> Strict (v, ex)
let power_bornes p (b1,b2) =
if neg_borne b1 && pos_borne b2 then
match p with
| 0 -> assert false
| p when p mod 2 = 0 ->
let m = max_merge (power_borne_sup p b1) (power_borne_sup p b2) in
(Large (Int 0, Ex.empty), m)
| _ -> (power_borne_inf p b1, power_borne_sup p b2)
else if pos_borne b1 && pos_borne b2 then
(power_borne_inf p b1, power_borne_sup p b2)
else if neg_borne b1 && neg_borne b2 then
match p with
| 0 -> assert false
| p when p mod 2 = 0 -> (power_borne_inf p b2, power_borne_sup p b1)
| _ -> (power_borne_inf p b1, power_borne_sup p b2)
else assert false
let int_of_borne_inf b =
match b with
| Minfty | Pinfty -> b
| Large (v, e) -> Large (ceiling_num v, e)
| Strict (v, e) ->
let v' = ceiling_num v in
if v' >/ v then Large (v', e) else Large (v +/ (Int 1), e)
let int_of_borne_sup b =
match b with
| Minfty | Pinfty -> b
| Large (v, e) -> Large (floor_num v, e)
| Strict (v, e) ->
let v' = floor_num v in
if v' </ v then Large (v', e) else Large (v -/ (Int 1), e)
let int_div_of_borne_inf b =
match b with
| Minfty | Pinfty -> b
| Large (v, e) -> Large (floor_num v, e)
| Strict (v, e) ->
let v' = floor_num v in
if v' >/ v then Large (v', e) else Large (v +/ (Int 1), e)
let int_div_of_borne_sup b =
match b with
| Minfty | Pinfty -> b
| Large (v, e) -> Large (floor_num v, e)
| Strict (v, e) ->
let v' = floor_num v in
if v' </ v then Large (v', e) else Large (v -/ (Int 1), e)
let int_bornes l u =
int_of_borne_inf l, int_of_borne_sup u
let int_div_bornes l u =
int_div_of_borne_inf l, int_div_of_borne_sup u
let intersect ({ints=l1; expl=e1; is_int=is_int} as uints1)
{ints=l2; expl=e2} =
let rec step (l1,l2) acc expl =
match l1, l2 with
| (lo1,up1)::r1, (lo2,up2)::r2 ->
let (lo1,up1), (lo2,up2) =
if is_int then (int_bornes lo1 up1), (int_bornes lo2 up2)
else (lo1,up1), (lo2,up2) in
let cll = compare_bl_bl lo1 lo2 in
let cuu = compare_bu_bu up1 up2 in
let clu = compare_bl_bu lo1 up2 in
let cul = compare_bu_bl up1 lo2 in
if cul < 0 then
let nexpl = Ex.union (explain_borne up1) (explain_borne lo2) in
match r1 with
| [] -> step (r1, l2) acc (Ex.union nexpl expl)
| (lor1,upr1)::rr1 ->
let lor1 = add_expl_to_borne lor1 nexpl in
let r1 = (lor1,upr1)::rr1 in
step (r1, l2) acc expl
else if clu > 0 then
let nexpl = Ex.union (explain_borne up2) (explain_borne lo1) in
match r2 with
| [] -> step (l1, r2) acc (Ex.union nexpl expl)
| (lor2,upr2)::rr2 ->
let lor2 = add_expl_to_borne lor2 nexpl in
let r2 = (lor2,upr2)::rr2 in
step (l1, r2) acc expl
else if cll = 0 && cuu = 0 then
step (r1, r2) ((lo1,up1)::acc) expl
else if cll <= 0 && cuu >= 0 then
step (l1, r2) ((lo2,up2)::acc) expl
else if cll >= 0 && cuu <= 0 then
step (r1, l2) ((lo1,up1)::acc) expl
else if cll <= 0 && cuu <= 0 && cul >= 0 then
step (r1, l2) ((lo2,up1)::acc) expl
else if cll >= 0 && cuu >= 0 && clu <= 0 then
step (l1, r2) ((lo1,up2)::acc) expl
else assert false
| [], _ | _, [] -> List.rev acc, expl
let l, expl = step (l1,l2) [] (Ex.union e1 e2) in
if l = [] then raise (NotConsistent expl)
else { uints1 with ints = l; expl = expl }
let new_borne_sup expl b ~is_le uints =
{ ints = [Minfty, (borne_of is_le expl b)];
is_int = uints.is_int;
expl = Ex.empty } uints
let new_borne_inf expl b ~is_le uints =
{ ints = [(borne_of is_le expl b), Pinfty];
is_int = uints.is_int;
expl = Ex.empty } uints
let complement ({ints=l; expl=e} as uints) =
let rec step l prev acc =
match l with
| (b1,b2)::r ->
let bu = match b1 with
| Strict v -> Large v
| Large v -> Strict v
| _ -> b1 in
let bl = match b2 with
| Strict v -> Large v
| Large v -> Strict v
| _ -> b2 in
if bu = Minfty then step r bl acc
else step r bl ((prev, bu)::acc)
| [] ->
if prev = Pinfty then List.rev acc
else List.rev ((prev, Pinfty)::acc)
{ uints with ints = step l Minfty [] }
let exclude uints1 uints2 =
intersect (complement uints1) uints2
let mult u1 u2 =
let resl, expl =
(fun (l', expl) b1 ->
(fun (l, ex) b2 ->
let bl, bu, ex' = mult_bornes b1 b2 in
(bl, bu)::l, Ex.union ex ex') (l', expl) u2.ints)
([], Ex.empty) u1.ints
union { ints=resl; is_int = u1.is_int;
expl = Ex.union expl
(Ex.union u1.expl u2.expl) }
let power n u =
let l = (power_bornes n) u.ints in
union { u with ints = l }
let num_of_float x =
if x = infinity || x = neg_infinity then raise Not_a_float;
let (f, n) = frexp x in
let z =
(Int64.to_string (Int64.of_float (f *. 2. ** 52.))) in
let factor = (Int 2) **/ (Int (n - 52)) in
(Big_int z) */ factor
let root_num a n =
if a </ (Int 0) then assert false
else if a =/ (Int 0) then (Int 0)
else if n = 2 then num_of_float (sqrt (float_of_num a))
else num_of_float ((float_of_num a) ** (1./. (float n)))
let root_default_num a n =
let s = root_num a n in
let d = a -/ (s **/ (Int n)) in
if d >=/ (Int 0) then s else a // (s **/ ((Int n) -/ (Int 1)))
let root_exces_num a n =
let s = root_num a n in
let d = a -/ (s **/ (Int n)) in
if d <=/ (Int 0) then s else a // (s **/ ((Int n) -/ (Int 1)))
let root_default_borne is_int x n =
match x with
| Pinfty -> Pinfty
| Minfty -> Minfty
| Large (v, e) | Strict (v, e) ->
let s = if v >=/ (Int 0) then root_default_num v n
else (minus_num (root_exces_num (minus_num v) n)) in
if is_int then
let cs = ceiling_num s in
let cs2 = cs **/ (Int n) in
if v <=/ cs2 then Large (cs, e)
else Large (cs +/ (Int 1), e)
else Large (s, e)
let root_exces_borne is_int x n =
match x with
| Pinfty -> Pinfty
| Minfty -> Minfty
| Large (v, e) | Strict (v, e) ->
let s = if v >=/ (Int 0) then root_exces_num v n
else (minus_num (root_default_num (minus_num v) n)) in
if is_int then
let cs = floor_num s in
let cs2 = cs **/ (Int n) in
if v >=/ cs2 then Large (cs, e)
else Large (cs -/ (Int 1), e)
else Large (s, e)
let sqrt_interval is_int (b1,b2) =
let l1, u1 = (minus_borne (root_exces_borne is_int b2 2),
minus_borne (root_default_borne is_int b1 2)) in
let l2, u2 = (root_default_borne is_int b1 2,
root_exces_borne is_int b2 2) in
if compare_bornes l1 u1 > 0 then
if compare_bornes l2 u2 > 0 then []
else [l2,u2]
else if compare_bornes l2 u2 > 0 then [l1, u1]
else union_bornes [(l1,u1); (l2, u2)]
let root_interval is_int (b1,b2) n =
let u,l = (root_default_borne is_int b1 n, root_exces_borne is_int b2 n) in
if compare_bornes u l > 0 then [] else [u,l]
let sqrt {ints = l; is_int = is_int; expl = e } =
let l =
(fun l' bs ->
(sqrt_interval is_int bs)@l'
) [] l in
union { ints = l; is_int = is_int; expl = e }
let rec root n ({ints = l; is_int = is_int; expl = e} as u) =
if n mod 2 = 0 then root (n/2) (sqrt u)
let l =
(fun l' bs ->
(root_interval is_int bs n)@l'
) [] l in
union { ints = l; is_int = is_int; expl = e }
let finite_size {ints = l; is_int = is_int} =
if (not is_int) then None
let n =
(fun n (b1,b2) ->
match b1, b2 with
| Minfty, _ | _, Pinfty -> raise Exit
| Large (v1, _) , Large (v2, _) -> n +/ (v2 -/ v1 +/ (Int 1))
| _, _ -> assert false
) (Int 0) l in
Some n
with Exit -> None
let borne_inf = function
| {ints = (Large (v, ex), _)::_} -> v, ex
| _ -> invalid_arg "Intervals.borne_inf : No finite lower bound"
let inv_borne_inf b is_int ~other =
match b with
| Pinfty -> assert false
| Minfty ->
if is_int then Large (Int 0, explain_borne other)
else Strict (Int 0, explain_borne other)
| Strict (Int 0, e) | Large (Int 0, e) -> Pinfty
| Strict (v, e) -> Strict (Int 1 // v, e)
| Large (v, e) -> Large (Int 1 // v, e)
let inv_borne_sup b is_int ~other =
match b with
| Minfty -> assert false
| Pinfty ->
if is_int then Large (Int 0, explain_borne other)
else Strict (Int 0, explain_borne other)
| Strict (Int 0, e) | Large (Int 0, e) -> Minfty
| Strict (v, e) -> Strict (Int 1 // v, e)
| Large (v, e) -> Large (Int 1 // v, e)
let inv_bornes (l, u) is_int =
inv_borne_sup u is_int ~other:l, inv_borne_inf l is_int ~other:u
let inv ({ints=l; is_int=is_int} as u) =
let l' = List.fold_left
(fun acc (l,u) ->
if (pos_borne_strict l && pos_borne_strict u)
|| (neg_borne_strict l && neg_borne_strict u) then
(inv_bornes (l, u) is_int) :: acc
else raise Exit
) [] l in
union { u with ints=l' }
with Exit -> { u with ints = [Minfty, Pinfty] }
let div i1 i2 =
let inv_i2 = inv i2 in
if inv_i2.ints = [Minfty, Pinfty] then inv_i2
let i1 = match doesnt_contain_0 i2 with
| Sig.Yes ex -> add_expl_zero i1 ex
| Sig.No -> i1
let ({ints=l; is_int=is_int} as i) = mult i1 inv_i2 in
let l =
if is_int then (fun (l,u) -> int_div_bornes l u) l
else l in
{ i with ints = l }