open Hashcons
type 'a view =
| Eq of 'a * 'a
| Distinct of bool * 'a list
| Builtin of bool * Hstring.t * 'a list
module type OrderedType = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module type S = sig
type elt
type t
val make : elt view -> t
val view : t -> elt view
val neg : t -> t
val add_label : Hstring.t -> t -> unit
val label : t -> Hstring.t
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module Map : Map.S with type key = t
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Make (X : OrderedType) : S with type elt = X.t = struct
type elt = X.t
type t = (X.t view) hash_consed
module V = struct
type t = X.t view
let equal a1 a2 =
match a1, a2 with
| Eq(t1, t2), Eq(u1, u2) ->
( t1 u1 = 0 && t2 u2 = 0) ||
( t1 u2 = 0 && t2 u1 = 0)
| Distinct (b1,lt1), Distinct (b2,lt2) ->
b1 = b2 &&
List.for_all2 (fun x y -> x y = 0) lt1 lt2
with Invalid_argument _ -> false)
| Builtin(b1, n1, l1), Builtin(b2, n2, l2) ->
b1 = b2 && Hstring.equal n1 n2
List.for_all2 (fun x y -> x y = 0) l1 l2
with Invalid_argument _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let hash a = match a with
| Eq(t1, t2) -> abs (19 * (X.hash t1 + X.hash t2))
| Distinct (b,lt) ->
let x = if b then 7 else 23 in
abs (17 * List.fold_left (fun acc t -> (X.hash t) + acc ) x lt)
| Builtin(b, n, l) ->
let x = if b then 7 else 23 in
(fun acc t-> acc*13 + X.hash t) (Hstring.hash n+x) l)
module H = Make_consed(V)
let compare a1 a2 = a1.tag a2.tag
let equal a1 a2 = a1 == a2
let hash a1 = a1.tag
module T = struct
type t' = t
type t = t'
let compare=compare
let equal = equal
let hash = hash
let make t = H.hashcons t
let view a = a.node
let neg a = match view a with
| Eq(x, y) -> make (Distinct (false,[x; y]))
| Distinct (false, [x; y]) -> make (Eq (x, y))
| Distinct (true, [x; y]) -> make (Distinct (false,[x; y]))
| Distinct (false, l) -> make (Distinct (true,l))
| Distinct _ -> assert false
| Builtin(b, n, l) -> make (Builtin (not b, n, l))
module Labels = Hashtbl.Make(T)
let labels = Labels.create 100007
let add_label lbl t = Labels.replace labels t lbl
let label t = try Labels.find labels t with Not_found -> Hstring.empty
let print_list fmt = function
| [] -> ()
| z :: l ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" X.print z;
List.iter (Format.fprintf fmt ", %a" X.print) l
let ale = Hstring.make "<="
let alt = Hstring.make "<"
let print fmt a =
let lbl = Hstring.view (label a) in
let lbl = if lbl = "" then lbl else lbl^":" in
match view a with
| Eq (z1, z2) ->
if equal z1 z2 then Format.fprintf fmt "True"
else Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a=%a" lbl X.print z1 X.print z2
| Distinct (b,(z::l)) ->
let b = if b then "~" else "" in
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%s%a" lbl b X.print z;
List.iter (fun x -> Format.fprintf fmt "<>%a" X.print x) l
| Builtin (true, n, [v1;v2]) when Hstring.equal n ale ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s %a <= %a" lbl X.print v1 X.print v2
| Builtin (true, n, [v1;v2]) when Hstring.equal n alt ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s %a < %a" lbl X.print v1 X.print v2
| Builtin (false, n, [v1;v2]) when Hstring.equal n ale ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s %a > %a" lbl X.print v1 X.print v2
| Builtin (false, n, [v1;v2]) when Hstring.equal n alt ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s %a >= %a" lbl X.print v1 X.print v2
| Builtin (b, n, l) ->
let b = if b then "" else "~" in
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%s%s(%a)" lbl b (Hstring.view n) print_list l
| _ -> assert false
module Set = Set.Make(T)
module Map = Map.Make(T)
module type S_Term = sig
include S with type elt = Term.t
val mk_pred : Term.t -> t
val vrai : t
val faux : t
module LT : S_Term = struct
module L = Make(Term)
include L
let mk_pred t = make (Eq (t, Term.vrai) )
let vrai = mk_pred Term.vrai
let faux = mk_pred Term.faux
let neg a = match view a with
| Eq(t1, t2) when Term.equal t2 Term.faux ->
make (Eq (t1, Term.vrai))
| Eq(t1, t2) when Term.equal t2 Term.vrai ->
make (Eq (t1, Term.faux))
| _ -> L.neg a
module SS = Symbols.Set