open Lexing
open Format
open Options
open Ast
let () =
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint
(fun _ ->
eprintf "@{<n>@}@.";
Stats.print_report ~safe:false [] [];
eprintf "\n\n@{<b>@{<fg_red>ABORT !@}@} Received SIGINT@.";
exit 1))
let () =
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigterm
(fun _ ->
eprintf "@{<n>@}@.";
Stats.print_report ~safe:false [] [];
eprintf "\n\n@{<b>@{<fg_red>ABORT !@}@} Received SIGTERM@.";
exit 1))
let () =
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigusr1
(fun _ ->
eprintf "@{<n>@}@.";
Stats.print_report ~safe:false [] []))
with Invalid_argument _ -> ()
let () =
if verbose > 0 then Printexc.record_backtrace true
let _ =
let lb = from_channel cin in
let s = Parser.system Lexer.token lb in
let system = Typing.system s in
if type_only then exit 0;
if refine_universal then
printf "@{<b>@{<fg_yellow>Warning@} !@}\nUniversal guards refinement is an experimental feature. Use at your own risks.\n@.";
let close_dot = Dot.open_dot () in
match Brab.brab system with
| Bwd.Safe (visited, candidates) ->
if (not quiet || profiling) then
Stats.print_report ~safe:true visited candidates;
printf "\n\nThe system is @{<b>@{<fg_green>SAFE@}@}\n@.";
Trace.Selected.certificate system visited;
close_dot ();
exit 0
| Bwd.Unsafe (faulty, candidates) ->
if (not quiet || profiling) then
Stats.print_report ~safe:false [] candidates;
begin try
if not quiet then Stats.error_trace system faulty;
printf "\n\n@{<b>@{<bg_red>UNSAFE@} !@}\n@.";
with Exit -> ()
close_dot ();
exit 1
| Lexer.Lexical_error s ->
Util.report_loc err_formatter (lexeme_start_p lb, lexeme_end_p lb);
eprintf "lexical error: %s@." s;
exit 2
| Parsing.Parse_error ->
let loc = (lexeme_start_p lb, lexeme_end_p lb) in
Util.report_loc err_formatter loc;
eprintf "syntax error@.";
exit 2
| Typing.Error (e,loc) ->
Util.report_loc err_formatter loc;
eprintf "typing error: %a@." e;
exit 2
| Stats.ReachedLimit ->
if (not quiet || profiling) then Stats.print_report ~safe:false [] [];
eprintf "\n@{<b>@{<fg_yellow>Reached Limit@} !@}\n";
eprintf "It is likely that the search diverges, increase the limit to explore further.@.";
exit 1
| Failure str ->
let backtrace = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
eprintf "\n@{<u>Internal failure:@}%s@." str;
if verbose > 0 then eprintf "Backtrace:@\n%s@." backtrace;
exit 1
| Smt.Error e ->
let backtrace = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
eprintf "\n@{<u>Solver error:@}%a@." e;
if verbose > 0 then eprintf "Backtrace:@\n%s@." backtrace;
exit 1
| e ->
let backtrace = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
eprintf "Fatal error: %s@." (Printexc.to_string e);
if verbose > 0 then eprintf "Backtrace:@\n%s@." backtrace;
exit 1