type trace = NoTrace | AltErgoTr | WhyTr | WhyInst
type viz_prog = Dot | Sfdp
type solver = AltErgo | Z3
let js_mode = ref false
let usage = "usage: cubicle file.cub"
let file = ref "_stdin"
let max_proc = ref 10
let type_only = ref false
let maxrounds = ref 100
let maxnodes = ref 100_000
let debug = ref false
let dot = ref false
let dot_level = ref 0
let dot_prog = ref Dot
let dot_colors = ref 0
let verbose = ref 0
let quiet = ref false
let bitsolver = ref false
let enumsolver = ref false
let incr_verbose () = incr verbose
let debug_smt = ref false
let dmcmt = ref false
let profiling = ref false
let nocolor = ref false
let only_forward = ref false
let gen_inv = ref false
let forward_inv = ref (-1)
let enumerative = ref (-1)
let murphi = ref false
let murphi_uopts = ref ""
let mu_cmd = ref "mu"
let mu_opts = ref ""
let cpp_cmd = ref "g++ -O4"
let brab = ref (-1)
let brab_up_to = ref false
let forward_depth = ref (-1)
let localized = ref false
let lazyinv = ref false
let refine = ref false
let stateless = ref false
let max_cands = ref (-1)
let max_forward = ref (-1)
let candidate_heuristic = ref (-1)
let forward_sym = ref true
let abstr_num = ref false
let num_range_low = ref 0
let num_range_up = ref 0
let post_strategy = ref (-1)
let delete = ref true
let simpl_by_uc = ref false
let cores = ref 0
let refine_universal = ref false
let subtyping = ref true
let notyping = ref false
let noqe = ref false
let trace = ref NoTrace
let set_trace = function
| "alt-ergo" -> trace := AltErgoTr
| "why" | "why3" -> trace := WhyTr
| "whyinst" | "why3inst" -> trace := WhyInst
| _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Proof format = alt-ergo | why3 | why3inst")
let out = ref "."
let set_out o =
if not (Sys.file_exists o) then Unix.mkdir o 0o755
else if not (Sys.is_directory o) then
raise (Arg.Bad "-out takes a directory as argument");
out := o
let mode = ref "bfs"
let set_mode m =
mode := m;
match m with
| "bfs" | "bfsh" | "bfsa" | "dfs" | "dfsh" | "dfsa" -> ()
| _ -> raise (Arg.Bad ("search strategy "^m^" not supported"))
let smt_solver = ref AltErgo
let set_smt_solver s =
smt_solver := match s with
| "alt-ergo" -> AltErgo
| "z3" -> Z3
| _ -> raise (Arg.Bad ("SMT solver "^s^" not supported"))
let set_dot d =
dot := true;
dot_level := d
let use_sfdp () =
dot_prog := Sfdp
let show_version () = Format.printf "%s@." Version.version; exit 0
let specs =
[ "-version", Arg.Unit show_version, " prints the version number";
"-quiet", Arg.Set quiet, " do not output search trace";
"-nocolor", Arg.Set nocolor, " disable colors in ouptut";
"-type-only", Arg.Set type_only, " stop after typing";
"-max-procs", Arg.Set_int max_proc,
"<nb> max number of processes to introduce (default 10)";
"-depth", Arg.Set_int maxrounds,
"<nb> max depth of the search tree (default 100)";
"-nodes", Arg.Set_int maxnodes,
"<nb> max number nodes to explore (default 100000)";
"-search", Arg.String set_mode,
"<bfs(default) | bfsh | bfsa | dfs | dfsh | dfsa> search strategies";
"-debug", Arg.Set debug, " debug mode";
"-dot", Arg.Int set_dot,
"<level> graphviz (dot) output with a level of details";
"-sfdp", Arg.Unit use_sfdp,
" use sfdp for drawing graph instead of dot (for big graphs)";
"-dot-colors", Arg.Set_int dot_colors,
"number of colors for dot output";
"-v", Arg.Unit incr_verbose, " more debugging information";
"-profiling", Arg.Set profiling, " profiling mode";
"-only-forward", Arg.Set only_forward, " only do one forward search";
"-geninv", Arg.Set gen_inv, " invariant generation";
"-symbolic", Arg.Set_int forward_inv,
"<n> symbolic forward invariant generation with n processes";
"-enumerative", Arg.Set_int enumerative,
"<n> enumerative forward invariant generation with n processes";
"-local", Arg.Set localized,
" localized invariant candidates";
"-brab", Arg.Set_int brab,
"<nb> Backward reachability with approximations and backtrack helped with a finite model of size <nb>";
"-upto", Arg.Set brab_up_to,
" in combination with -brab <n>, finite models up to size <n>";
"-murphi", Arg.Set murphi,
" use Murphi for enumerative forward instead of the naive implementation";
"-murphi-opt", Arg.Set_string murphi_uopts,
" options passed to Murphi (as is)";
"-mu", Arg.Set_string mu_cmd, "Murphi compiler command line (default: mu)";
"-mu-opt", Arg.Set_string mu_opts,
" Murphi compiler options (passed as is, no options by default)";
"-cpp", Arg.Set_string cpp_cmd, " C++ compiler command line (default: g++ -O4)";
"-forward-depth", Arg.Set_int forward_depth,
"<d> Limit the depth of the forward exploration to at most d";
"-max-forward", Arg.Set_int max_forward,
"<d> Limit the number of states of the forward exploration to at most d";
"-max-cands", Arg.Set_int max_cands,
"<d> Limit the number of candidates considered for approximations to at most d";
"-candheur", Arg.Set_int candidate_heuristic,
"<d> set the heuristic used for generating candidate invariants (size measure d)";
"-abstr-num", Arg.Tuple [Arg.Set_int num_range_low;
Arg.Set_int num_range_up;
Arg.Set abstr_num],
"<low> <up> abstract numerical values in [<low>; <up>] during forward exploration";
"-stateless", Arg.Set stateless, " stateless symbolic forward search";
"-forward-nosym", Arg.Clear forward_sym,
" disable symmetry reduction in forward exploration";
"-postpone", Arg.Set_int post_strategy,
0: do not postpone nodes
1: postpone nodes with n+1 processes
2: postpone nodes that don't add information";
"-nodelete", Arg.Clear delete, " do not delete subsumed nodes";
"-nosubtyping", Arg.Clear subtyping, " no static subtyping analysis";
"-simpl", Arg.Set simpl_by_uc, " simplify nodes with unsat cores";
"-noqe", Arg.Set noqe, " disable elimination of postivie constants";
"-refine-universal", Arg.Set refine_universal,
" refine universal guards by symbolic forward";
"-j", Arg.Set_int cores, "<n> number of cores to use";
"-solver", Arg.String set_smt_solver,
"<alt-ergo(default) | z3> SMT solver to use";
"-dsmt", Arg.Set debug_smt, " debug mode for the SMT solver";
"-dmcmt", Arg.Set dmcmt, " output trace in MCMT format";
"-bitsolver", Arg.Set bitsolver, " use bitvector solver for finite types";
"-enumsolver", Arg.Set enumsolver,
" use Enumerated data types solver for finite types";
"-trace", Arg.String set_trace, "<alt-ergo | why> search strategies";
"-out", Arg.String set_out,
"<dir> set output directory for certificate traces to <dir>";
"-notyping", Arg.Set notyping, "";
let alspecs = Arg.align specs
let cin =
let ofile = ref None in
let set_file s =
if Filename.check_suffix s ".cub" then ofile := Some s
else raise (Arg.Bad "no .cub extension");
Arg.parse alspecs set_file usage;
match !ofile with
| Some f -> file := f ; open_in f
| None -> stdin
let type_only = !type_only
let maxrounds = !maxrounds
let maxnodes = !maxnodes
let max_proc = !max_proc
let debug = !debug
let nocolor = !nocolor
let dot = !dot
let dot_level = !dot_level
let dot_colors = !dot_colors
let dot_prog = !dot_prog
let debug_smt = !debug_smt
let dmcmt = !dmcmt
let profiling = !profiling
let file = !file
let only_forward = !only_forward
let gen_inv = !gen_inv
let forward_inv = !forward_inv
let brab = !brab
let enumerative = if brab <> -1 then brab else !enumerative
let do_brab = brab <> -1
let brab_up_to =
if !brab_up_to && not do_brab then
raise (Arg.Bad "use -upto in combination with brab")
else !brab_up_to
let murphi = !murphi
let murphi_uopts = !murphi_uopts
let mu_cmd = !mu_cmd
let mu_opts = !mu_opts
let cpp_cmd = !cpp_cmd
let max_cands = !max_cands
let max_forward = !max_forward
let candidate_heuristic =
if !candidate_heuristic <> -1 then !candidate_heuristic else enumerative
let forward_depth = !forward_depth
let limit_forward_depth = forward_depth <> -1
let forward_sym = !forward_sym
let localized = !localized
let refine = !refine && not !stateless
let lazyinv = !lazyinv
let stateless = !stateless
let delete = !delete
let simpl_by_uc = !simpl_by_uc
let noqe = !noqe
let cores = !cores
let mode = !mode
let smt_solver = !smt_solver
let verbose = !verbose
let post_strategy =
if !post_strategy <> -1 then !post_strategy
else match mode with
| "bfs" | "bfsa" -> 1
| "bfsh" | "dfsh" -> 0
| "dfs" | "dfsa" -> 2
| _ -> 1
let abstr_num = !abstr_num
let num_range = (!num_range_low, !num_range_up)
let quiet = !quiet
let bitsolver = !bitsolver
let enumsolver = !enumsolver
let size_proc = ref 0
let refine_universal = !refine_universal
let subtyping =
if !trace = NoTrace then !subtyping
if not quiet then
Format.printf "Deactivating subtyping analysis for traces.@.";
let notyping = !notyping
let trace = !trace
let out_trace = !out
let set_js_mode b = js_mode := b
let js_mode () = !js_mode