open Format
open Ast
open Types
open Options
open Util
let vt_width =
if js_mode () then 80
let scol = syscall "tput cols" in
let w = int_of_string (remove_trailing_whitespaces_end scol) in
set_margin w;
with Not_found | Failure _ -> 80
let print_line =
let s = String.make vt_width '-' in
fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt "%s@." s
let print_double_line =
let s = String.make vt_width '=' in
fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt "%s@." s
let print_title fmt s =
printf "%a" print_double_line ();
printf "* @{<b>%s@}\n" s;
printf "%a" print_line ()
let rec print_list print sep fmt = function
| [] -> ()
| [e] -> print fmt e
| e :: l ->
print fmt e;
fprintf fmt sep;
print_list print sep fmt l
type style =
| User of int
| Normal
| Bold
| Bold_off
| Dim
| Underline
| Underline_off
| Inverse
| Inverse_off
| Blink_off
| FG_Black
| FG_Red
| FG_Green
| FG_Yellow
| FG_Blue
| FG_Magenta
| FG_Cyan
| FG_Gray
| FG_Default
| BG_Black
| BG_Red
| BG_Green
| BG_Yellow
| BG_Blue
| BG_Magenta
| BG_Cyan
| BG_Gray
| BG_Default
| FG_Black_B
| FG_Red_B
| FG_Green_B
| FG_Yellow_B
| FG_Blue_B
| FG_Magenta_B
| FG_Cyan_B
| FG_Gray_B
| FG_Default_B
| BG_Black_B
| BG_Red_B
| BG_Green_B
| BG_Yellow_B
| BG_Blue_B
| BG_Magenta_B
| BG_Cyan_B
| BG_Gray_B
| BG_Default_B
let assoc_style = function
| User i -> string_of_int i
| Normal -> "0"
| Bold -> "1"
| Bold_off -> "22"
| Dim -> "2"
| Underline -> "4"
| Underline_off -> "24"
| Inverse -> "7"
| Inverse_off -> "27"
| Blink_off -> "22"
| FG_Black -> "30"
| FG_Red -> "31"
| FG_Green -> "32"
| FG_Yellow -> "33"
| FG_Blue -> "34"
| FG_Magenta -> "35"
| FG_Cyan -> "36"
| FG_Gray -> "37"
| FG_Default -> "39"
| BG_Black -> "40"
| BG_Red -> "41"
| BG_Green -> "42"
| BG_Yellow -> "43"
| BG_Blue -> "44"
| BG_Magenta -> "45"
| BG_Cyan -> "46"
| BG_Gray -> "47"
| BG_Default -> "49"
| FG_Black_B -> "90"
| FG_Red_B -> "91"
| FG_Green_B -> "92"
| FG_Yellow_B -> "93"
| FG_Blue_B -> "94"
| FG_Magenta_B -> "95"
| FG_Cyan_B -> "96"
| FG_Gray_B -> "97"
| FG_Default_B -> "99"
| BG_Black_B -> "100"
| BG_Red_B -> "101"
| BG_Green_B -> "102"
| BG_Yellow_B -> "103"
| BG_Blue_B -> "104"
| BG_Magenta_B -> "105"
| BG_Cyan_B -> "106"
| BG_Gray_B -> "107"
| BG_Default_B -> "109"
let style_of_tag = function
| "n" -> Normal
| "b" -> Bold
| "/b" -> Bold_off
| "dim" -> Dim
| "u" -> Underline
| "/u" -> Underline_off
| "i" -> Inverse
| "/i" -> Inverse_off
| "/bl" -> Blink_off
| "fg_black" -> FG_Black
| "fg_red" -> FG_Red
| "fg_green" -> FG_Green
| "fg_yellow" -> FG_Yellow
| "fg_blue" -> FG_Blue
| "fg_magenta" -> FG_Magenta
| "fg_cyan" -> FG_Cyan
| "fg_gray" -> FG_Gray
| "fg_default" -> FG_Default
| "bg_black" -> BG_Black
| "bg_red" -> BG_Red
| "bg_green" -> BG_Green
| "bg_yellow" -> BG_Yellow
| "bg_blue" -> BG_Blue
| "bg_magenta" -> BG_Magenta
| "bg_cyan" -> BG_Cyan
| "bg_gray" -> BG_Gray
| "bg_default" -> BG_Default
| "fg_black_b" -> FG_Black_B
| "fg_red_b" -> FG_Red_B
| "fg_green_b" -> FG_Green_B
| "fg_yellow_b" -> FG_Yellow_B
| "fg_blue_b" -> FG_Blue_B
| "fg_magenta_b" -> FG_Magenta_B
| "fg_cyan_b" -> FG_Cyan_B
| "fg_gray_b" -> FG_Gray_B
| "fg_default_b" -> FG_Default_B
| "bg_black_b" -> BG_Black_B
| "bg_red_b" -> BG_Red_B
| "bg_green_b" -> BG_Green_B
| "bg_yellow_b" -> BG_Yellow_B
| "bg_blue_b" -> BG_Blue_B
| "bg_magenta_b" -> BG_Magenta_B
| "bg_cyan_b" -> BG_Cyan_B
| "bg_gray_b" -> BG_Gray_B
| "bg_default_b" -> BG_Default_B
| _ -> raise Not_found
let start_tag t =
try Printf.sprintf "[%sm" (assoc_style (style_of_tag t))
with Not_found -> ""
let stop_tag t =
let st = match style_of_tag t with
| Bold -> Bold_off
| Underline -> Underline_off
| Inverse -> Inverse_off
| FG_Black | FG_Red | FG_Green | FG_Yellow | FG_Blue
| FG_Magenta | FG_Cyan | FG_Gray | FG_Default -> FG_Default
| BG_Black | BG_Red | BG_Green | BG_Yellow | BG_Blue
| BG_Magenta | BG_Cyan | BG_Gray | BG_Default -> BG_Default
| FG_Black_B | FG_Red_B | FG_Green_B | FG_Yellow_B | FG_Blue_B
| FG_Magenta_B | FG_Cyan_B | FG_Gray_B | FG_Default_B -> FG_Default
| BG_Black_B | BG_Red_B | BG_Green_B | BG_Yellow_B | BG_Blue_B
| BG_Magenta_B | BG_Cyan_B | BG_Gray_B | BG_Default_B -> BG_Default
| _ -> Normal
Printf.sprintf "[%sm" (assoc_style st)
let add_colors formatter =
pp_set_tags formatter true;
let old_fs = Format.pp_get_formatter_tag_functions formatter () in
Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions formatter
{ old_fs with
Format.mark_open_tag = start_tag;
Format.mark_close_tag = stop_tag }
let _ =
if not nocolor then begin
add_colors std_formatter;
add_colors err_formatter;