open Format
open Options
open Util
open Ast
open Types
module T = Smt.Term
module F = Smt.Formula
module SMT = Smt.Make (Options)
let proc_terms =
(fun x -> Smt.Symbol.declare x [] Smt.Type.type_proc) Variable.procs; (fun x -> T.make_app x []) Variable.procs
let distinct_vars =
let t = Array.make max_proc F.f_true in
let _ =
(fun (acc,i) v ->
if i<>0 then t.(i) <- F.make_lit F.Neq (v::acc);
v::acc, i+1)
([],0) proc_terms
function n -> if n = 0 then F.f_true else t.(n-1)
let order_vars =
let t = Array.make max_proc F.f_true in
let _ =
(fun (acc, lf, i) v ->
match acc with
| v2::r ->
let lf = (F.make_lit F.Lt [v2;v]) :: lf in
t.(i) <- F.make F.And lf;
v::acc, lf, i+1
| [] -> v::acc, lf, i+1)
([], [], 0) proc_terms
function n -> if n = 0 then F.f_true else t.(n-1)
let make_op_comp = function
| Eq -> F.Eq
| Lt -> F.Lt
| Le -> F.Le
| Neq -> F.Neq
let make_const = function
| ConstInt i -> T.make_int i
| ConstReal i -> T.make_real i
| ConstName n -> T.make_app n []
let ty_const = function
| ConstInt _ -> Smt.Type.type_int
| ConstReal _ -> Smt.Type.type_real
| ConstName n -> snd (Smt.Symbol.type_of n)
let rec mult_const tc c i =
match i with
| 0 ->
if ty_const c = Smt.Type.type_int then T.make_int (Num.Int 0)
else T.make_real (Num.Int 0)
| 1 -> tc
| -1 -> T.make_arith T.Minus (mult_const tc c 0) tc
| i when i > 0 -> T.make_arith T.Plus (mult_const tc c (i - 1)) tc
| i when i < 0 -> T.make_arith T.Minus (mult_const tc c (i + 1)) tc
| _ -> assert false
let make_arith_cs =
(fun c i acc ->
let tc = make_const c in
let tci = mult_const tc c i in
T.make_arith T.Plus acc tci)
let make_cs cs =
let c, i = MConst.choose cs in
let t_c = make_const c in
let r = MConst.remove c cs in
if MConst.is_empty r then mult_const t_c c i
else make_arith_cs r (mult_const t_c c i)
let rec make_term = function
| Elem (e, _) -> T.make_app e []
| Const cs -> make_cs cs
| Access (a, li) -> T.make_app a ( (fun i -> T.make_app i []) li)
| Arith (x, cs) ->
let tx = make_term x in
make_arith_cs cs tx
let rec make_formula_set sa =
F.make F.And (SAtom.fold (fun a l -> make_literal a::l) sa [])
and make_literal = function
| Atom.True -> F.f_true
| Atom.False -> F.f_false
| Atom.Comp (x, op, y) ->
let tx = make_term x in
let ty = make_term y in
F.make_lit (make_op_comp op) [tx; ty]
| Atom.Ite (la, a1, a2) ->
let f = make_formula_set la in
let a1 = make_literal a1 in
let a2 = make_literal a2 in
let ff1 = F.make F.Imp [f; a1] in
let ff2 = F.make F.Imp [F.make F.Not [f]; a2] in
F.make F.And [ff1; ff2]
let make_formula atoms =
F.make F.And (Array.fold_left (fun l a -> make_literal a::l) [] atoms)
module HAA = Hashtbl.Make (ArrayAtom)
let make_formula =
let cache = HAA.create 200001 in
fun atoms ->
try HAA.find cache atoms
with Not_found ->
let f = make_formula atoms in
HAA.add cache atoms f;
let make_formula array =
TimeFormula.start ();
let f = make_formula array in
TimeFormula.pause ();
let make_formula_set satom =
TimeFormula.start ();
let f = make_formula_set satom in
TimeFormula.pause ();
let make_disjunction nodes = F.make F.Or ( make_formula nodes)
let make_conjuct atoms1 atoms2 =
let l = Array.fold_left (fun l a -> make_literal a::l) [] atoms1 in
let l = Array.fold_left (fun l a -> make_literal a::l) l atoms2 in
F.make F.And l
let make_init_dnfs s nb_procs =
let { init_cdnf } = Hashtbl.find s.t_init_instances nb_procs in
List.rev_map (List.rev_map make_formula_set) init_cdnf
let get_user_invs s nb_procs =
let { init_invs } = Hashtbl.find s.t_init_instances nb_procs in
List.rev_map (fun a -> F.make F.Not [make_formula a]) init_invs
let unsafe_conj { tag = id; cube = cube } nb_procs invs init =
if debug_smt then eprintf ">>> [smt] safety with: %a@." F.print init;
SMT.clear ();
SMT.assume ~id (distinct_vars nb_procs);
List.iter (SMT.assume ~id) invs;
let f = make_formula_set cube.Cube.litterals in
if debug_smt then eprintf "[smt] safety: %a and %a@." F.print f F.print init;
SMT.assume ~id init;
SMT.assume ~id f;
SMT.check ()
let unsafe_dnf node nb_procs invs dnf =
let uc =
List.fold_left (fun accuc init ->
unsafe_conj node nb_procs invs init;
raise Exit
with Smt.Unsat uc -> List.rev_append uc accuc) [] dnf
raise (Smt.Unsat uc)
with Exit -> ()
let unsafe_cdnf s n =
let nb_procs = List.length (Node.variables n) in
let cdnf_init = make_init_dnfs s nb_procs in
let invs = get_user_invs s nb_procs in
List.iter (unsafe_dnf n nb_procs invs) cdnf_init
let unsafe s n = unsafe_cdnf s n
let reached args s sa =
SMT.clear ();
SMT.assume ~id:0 (distinct_vars (List.length args));
let f = make_formula_set (SAtom.union sa s) in
SMT.assume ~id:0 f;
SMT.check ()
let assume_goal_no_check { tag = id; cube = cube } =
SMT.clear ();
SMT.assume ~id (distinct_vars (List.length cube.Cube.vars));
let f = make_formula cube.Cube.array in
if debug_smt then eprintf "[smt] goal g: %a@." F.print f;
SMT.assume ~id f
let assume_node_no_check { tag = id } ap =
let f = F.make F.Not [make_formula ap] in
if debug_smt then eprintf "[smt] assume node: %a@." F.print f;
SMT.assume ~id f
let assume_goal n =
assume_goal_no_check n;
SMT.check ()
let assume_node n ap =
assume_node_no_check n ap;
SMT.check ()
let run () = SMT.check ()
let check_guard args sa reqs =
SMT.clear ();
SMT.assume ~id:0 (distinct_vars (List.length args));
let f = make_formula_set (SAtom.union sa reqs) in
SMT.assume ~id:0 f;
SMT.check ()
let assume_goal_nodes { tag = id; cube = cube } nodes =
SMT.clear ();
SMT.assume ~id (distinct_vars (List.length cube.Cube.vars));
let f = make_formula cube.Cube.array in
if debug_smt then eprintf "[smt] goal g: %a@." F.print f;
SMT.assume ~id f;
List.iter (fun (n, a) -> assume_node_no_check n a) nodes;
SMT.check ()