open Types
open Util
open Ast
open Format
type term =
| TVar of Variable.t
| TTerm of Term.t
type atom =
| AVar of Variable.t
| AAtom of Atom.t
| AEq of term * term
| ANeq of term * term
| ALe of term * term
| ALt of term * term
type formula =
| PAtom of atom
| PNot of formula
| PAnd of formula list
| POr of formula list
| PImp of formula * formula
| PEquiv of formula * formula
| PIte of formula * formula * formula
| PForall of Variable.t list * formula
| PExists of Variable.t list * formula
| PForall_other of Variable.t list * formula
| PExists_other of Variable.t list * formula
type term_or_formula = PF of formula | PT of term
type cformula = formula
let function_defs = Hstring.H.create 17
let print_term fmt = function
| TVar v -> fprintf fmt "'%a" Hstring.print v
| TTerm t -> Term.print fmt t
let print_atom fmt = function
| AVar v -> fprintf fmt "?%a" Hstring.print v
| AAtom a -> Atom.print fmt a
| AEq (t1, t2) -> fprintf fmt "(= %a %a)" print_term t1 print_term t2
| ANeq (t1, t2) -> fprintf fmt "(<> %a %a)" print_term t1 print_term t2
| ALe (t1, t2) -> fprintf fmt "(<= %a %a)" print_term t1 print_term t2
| ALt (t1, t2) -> fprintf fmt "(< %a %a)" print_term t1 print_term t2
let rec print fmt = function
| PAtom a -> print_atom fmt a
| PNot f -> fprintf fmt "~ %a" print f
| PAnd l ->
fprintf fmt "(and";
List.iter (fprintf fmt " %a" print) l;
fprintf fmt ")";
| POr l ->
fprintf fmt "(or";
List.iter (fprintf fmt " %a" print) l;
fprintf fmt ")";
| PImp (a, b) -> fprintf fmt "(%a => %a)" print a print b
| PEquiv (a, b) -> fprintf fmt "(%a <=> %a)" print a print b
| PIte (c, t, e) ->
fprintf fmt "(if %a then %a else %a)" print c print t print e
| PForall (vs, f) ->
fprintf fmt "(forall";
List.iter (fprintf fmt " %a" Variable.print) vs;
fprintf fmt ". %a)" print f
| PExists (vs, f) ->
fprintf fmt "(exists";
List.iter (fprintf fmt " %a" Variable.print) vs;
fprintf fmt ". %a)" print f
| PForall_other (vs, f) ->
fprintf fmt "(forall_other";
List.iter (fprintf fmt " %a" Variable.print) vs;
fprintf fmt ". %a)" print f
| PExists_other (vs, f) ->
fprintf fmt "(exists_other";
List.iter (fprintf fmt " %a" Variable.print) vs;
fprintf fmt ". %a)" print f
let print_tof fmt = function
| PF f -> fprintf fmt "F<%a>" print f
| PT t -> fprintf fmt "T<%a>" print_term t
let print_subst fmt =
List.iter (fun (v, tof) ->
fprintf fmt " %a -> %a, " Hstring.print v print_tof tof
type pswts = (cformula * term) list
type pglob_update = PUTerm of term | PUCase of pswts
type pupdate = {
pup_loc : loc;
pup_arr : Hstring.t;
pup_arg : Variable.t list;
pup_swts : pswts;
type ptransition = {
ptr_lets : (Hstring.t * term) list;
ptr_name : Hstring.t;
ptr_args : Variable.t list;
ptr_reqs : cformula;
ptr_assigns : (Hstring.t * pglob_update) list;
ptr_upds : pupdate list;
ptr_nondets : Hstring.t list;
ptr_loc : loc;
type psystem = {
pglobals : (loc * Hstring.t * Smt.Type.t) list;
pconsts : (loc * Hstring.t * Smt.Type.t) list;
parrays : (loc * Hstring.t * (Smt.Type.t list * Smt.Type.t)) list;
ptype_defs : (loc * Ast.type_constructors) list;
pinit : loc * Variable.t list * cformula;
pinvs : (loc * Variable.t list * cformula) list;
punsafe : (loc * Variable.t list * cformula) list;
ptrans : ptransition list;
type pdecl =
| PInit of (loc * Variable.t list * cformula)
| PInv of (loc * Variable.t list * cformula)
| PUnsafe of (loc * Variable.t list * cformula)
| PTrans of ptransition
| PFun
let add_fun_def name args f =
Hstring.H.add function_defs name (args, f)
type subst = (Variable.t * term_or_formula) list
let restr_subst_to sigma vars =
List.fold_left (fun acc -> function
| v, PF (PAtom (AVar v'))
| v, PT (TVar v')
| v, PT (TTerm (Elem(v', Var))) ->
if Variable.Set.mem v vars then
(v, v') :: acc
else acc
| v, _ ->
if Variable.Set.mem v vars then
failwith "Can only apply substitutions of kind var -> var inside terms and atom."
else acc
) [] sigma
let subst_term sigma tt = match tt with
| TVar v ->
(match Hstring.list_assoc v sigma with
| PT t -> t
| PF _ -> failwith "Cannot apply formula substitution in term."
| exception Not_found -> tt)
| TTerm t ->
let sigma' = restr_subst_to sigma (Term.variables t) in
let t' = Term.subst sigma' t in
if t == t' then tt else TTerm t'
let subst_atom sigma aa = match aa with
| AVar v ->
(match Hstring.list_assoc v sigma with
| PF f -> f
| PT _ -> failwith "Cannot apply term substitution in atom."
| exception Not_found -> PAtom aa)
| AEq (t1, t2) | ANeq (t1, t2) | ALe (t1, t2) | ALt (t1, t2) ->
let t1' = subst_term sigma t1 in
let t2' = subst_term sigma t2 in
if t1 == t1' && t2 == t2' then PAtom aa
PAtom (match aa with
| AEq _ -> AEq (t1', t2')
| ANeq _ -> ANeq (t1', t2')
| ALe _ -> ALe (t1', t2')
| ALt _ -> ALt (t1', t2')
| _ -> assert false
| AAtom a ->
let sigma' = restr_subst_to sigma (Atom.variables a) in
let a' = Atom.subst sigma' a in
if a == a' then PAtom aa else PAtom (AAtom a')
let rec apply_subst sigma (f:formula) = match f with
| PAtom a ->
let f' = subst_atom sigma a in
if f == f' then f else f'
| PNot nf ->
let nf' = apply_subst sigma nf in
if nf == nf' then f else PNot nf'
| PAnd l ->
let l' = (apply_subst sigma) l in
if List.for_all2 (fun c c' -> c == c') l l' then f else PAnd l'
| POr l ->
let l' = (apply_subst sigma) l in
if List.for_all2 (fun c c' -> c == c') l l' then f else POr l'
| PImp (a, b) ->
let a', b' = apply_subst sigma a, apply_subst sigma b in
if a == a' && b == b' then f else PImp (a', b')
| PIte (c, t, e) ->
let c', t', e' =
apply_subst sigma c, apply_subst sigma t, apply_subst sigma e in
if c == c' && t == t' && e == e' then f else PIte (c', t', e')
| PEquiv (a, b) ->
let a', b' = apply_subst sigma a, apply_subst sigma b in
if a == a' && b == b' then f else PEquiv (a', b')
| PForall (vs, qf)
| PExists (vs, qf)
| PForall_other (vs, qf)
| PExists_other (vs, qf) ->
let sigma = List.filter (fun (v,_) -> not (Hstring.list_mem v vs)) sigma in
let qf' = apply_subst sigma qf in
if qf == qf' then f else match f with
| PForall _ -> PForall (vs, qf')
| PExists _ -> PExists (vs, qf')
| PForall_other _ -> PForall_other (vs, qf')
| PExists_other _ -> PExists_other (vs, qf')
| _ -> assert false
let app_fun name args =
let vars, f = Hstring.H.find function_defs name in
let nvars, nargs = List.length vars, List.length args in
if nvars <> nargs then
failwith (asprintf
"Wrong arity: %a takes %d arguments but was given %d."
Hstring.print name nvars nargs);
let sigma = List.combine vars args in
let r = apply_subst sigma f in
with Not_found ->
failwith (asprintf "Undefined function symbol %a." Hstring.print name)
let neg_atom aa = match aa with
| AVar v -> PNot (PAtom aa)
| AAtom a -> PAtom (AAtom (Atom.neg a))
| AEq (t1, t2) -> PAtom (ANeq (t1, t2))
| ANeq (t1, t2) -> PAtom (AEq (t1, t2))
| ALe (t1, t2) -> PAtom (ALt(t2, t1))
| ALt (t1, t2) -> PAtom (ALe(t2, t1))
let rec neg = function
| PAtom a -> neg_atom a
| PNot f -> f
| PAnd l -> POr ( neg l)
| POr l -> PAnd ( neg l)
| PImp (a, b) -> PAnd [a; neg b]
| PIte (c, t, e) -> POr [PAnd [c; neg t]; PAnd [neg c; e]]
| PEquiv (a, b) -> POr [PAnd [a; neg b]; PAnd [neg a; b]]
| PForall (vs, f) -> PExists (vs, neg f)
| PExists (vs, f) -> PForall (vs, neg f)
| PForall_other (vs, f) -> PExists_other (vs, neg f)
| PExists_other (vs, f) -> PForall_other (vs, neg f)
let rec nnf = function
| PAtom _ as a -> a
| PNot f -> nnf (neg f)
| PAnd l ->
let l' = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> match nnf x with
| PAnd xs -> List.rev_append xs acc
| nx -> nx :: acc) [] l |> List.rev in
PAnd l'
| POr l ->
let l' = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> match nnf x with
| POr xs -> List.rev_append xs acc
| nx -> nx :: acc) [] l |> List.rev in
POr l'
| PImp (a, b) -> nnf (POr [neg a; b])
| PIte (c, t, e) -> nnf (PAnd [POr [neg c; t]; POr [c; e]])
| PEquiv (a, b) -> nnf (PAnd [POr [neg a; b]; POr [a; neg b]])
| PForall (vs, f) -> PExists (vs, nnf f)
| PExists (vs, f) -> PForall (vs, nnf f)
| PForall_other (vs, f) -> PExists_other (vs, nnf f)
| PExists_other (vs, f) -> PForall_other (vs, nnf f)
let list_of_conj = function
| PAnd l -> l
| a -> [a]
let list_of_disj = function
| POr l -> l
| a -> [a]
let list_of_cnf = function
| PAnd l -> l
| f -> [ f ]
let list_of_dnf = function
| POr l -> l
| f -> [ f ]
let cross a b =
List.fold_left (fun acc la ->
List.fold_left (fun acc' lb ->
PAnd (list_of_conj lb @ list_of_conj la) :: acc'
) acc (list_of_dnf b)
|> List.rev
) [] (list_of_dnf a)
|> (fun l -> POr l)
let rec dnf_aux = function
| PAtom _ | PNot _ as lit -> lit
| PAnd (f :: l) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc g ->
cross (dnf_aux g) acc)
(dnf_aux f) l
| POr l ->
let l' = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> match dnf_aux x with
| POr xs -> List.rev_append xs acc
| nx -> nx :: acc) [] l |> List.rev in
POr l'
| PAnd [] -> assert false
| PForall (vs, f) -> PExists (vs, dnf_aux f)
| PExists (vs, f) -> PForall (vs, dnf_aux f)
| PForall_other (vs, f) -> PExists_other (vs, dnf_aux f)
| PExists_other (vs, f) -> PForall_other (vs, dnf_aux f)
| _ -> assert false
let dnf f = dnf_aux (nnf f)
let fresh_var =
let cpt = ref 0 in
fun () ->
incr cpt;
Hstring.make ("_v"^string_of_int !cpt)
let rec foralls_above_and (vars, acc) = function
| PForall (vs, f) :: l ->
let sigma = (fun v -> v, PT (TVar (fresh_var ()))) vs in
let acc = apply_subst sigma f :: acc in
let vars = List.rev_append vs vars in
foralls_above_and (vars, acc) l
| [] ->
let c = PAnd (List.rev acc) in
if vars = [] then c else PForall (List.rev vars, c)
| f :: l ->
foralls_above_and (vars, f :: acc) l
let rec exists_above_or (vars, acc) = function
| PExists (vs, f) :: l ->
let sigma = (fun v -> v, PT (TVar (fresh_var ()))) vs in
let acc = apply_subst sigma f :: acc in
let vars = List.rev_append vs vars in
exists_above_or (vars, acc) l
| [] ->
let c = POr (List.rev acc) in
if vars = [] then c else PExists (List.rev vars, c)
| f :: l ->
exists_above_or (vars, f :: acc) l
let rec up_quantifiers = function
| PAtom _ as a -> a
| PForall _ | PExists _ | PForall_other _ | PExists_other _ as f -> f
| PAnd l ->
let l' = up_quantifiers l in
foralls_above_and ([],[]) l'
| POr l ->
let l' = up_quantifiers l in
exists_above_or ([],[]) l'
| PEquiv _ | PImp _ | PIte _ | PNot _ -> assert false
let conv_term = function
| TVar v -> Elem (v, Var)
| TTerm t -> t
let conv_atom aa = match aa with
| AVar _ -> failwith "Remaining free variables in atom."
| AEq (t1, t2) | ANeq (t1, t2) | ALe (t1, t2) | ALt (t1, t2) ->
let t1 = conv_term t1 in
let t2 = conv_term t2 in
let op = match aa with
| AEq _ -> Eq
| ANeq _ -> Neq
| ALe _ -> Le
| ALt _ -> Lt
| _ -> assert false
Atom.Comp (t1, op, t2)
| AAtom a -> a
let satom_of_atom_list =
List.fold_left (fun acc -> function
| PAtom a -> SAtom.add (conv_atom a) acc
| x -> eprintf "%a@." print x; assert false
) SAtom.empty
let satom_of_cube = function
| PAtom a -> SAtom.singleton (conv_atom a)
| PAnd l -> satom_of_atom_list l
| _ -> assert false
let satoms_of_dnf = function
| PAtom _ | PAnd _ as c -> [satom_of_cube c]
| POr l -> satom_of_cube l
| _ -> assert false
let unsafes_of_formula f =
match up_quantifiers (dnf f) with
| PExists (vs, f) -> vs, satoms_of_dnf f
| sf -> [], satoms_of_dnf sf
let inits_of_formula f =
match up_quantifiers (dnf f) with
| PForall (vs, f) -> vs, satoms_of_dnf f
| sf -> [], satoms_of_dnf sf
let rec forall_to_others tr_args f = match f with
| PAtom _ -> f
| PNot f1 ->
let f1' = forall_to_others tr_args f1 in
if f1 == f1' then f else PNot f1'
| PAnd l ->
let l' = (forall_to_others tr_args) l in
if List.for_all2 (==) l l' then f else PAnd l'
| POr l ->
let l' = (forall_to_others tr_args) l in
if List.for_all2 (==) l l' then f else POr l'
| PImp (a, b) ->
let a' = forall_to_others tr_args a in
let b' = forall_to_others tr_args b in
if a == a' && b == b' then f else PImp(a', b')
| PIte (c, t, e) ->
let c' = forall_to_others tr_args c in
let t' = forall_to_others tr_args t in
let e' = forall_to_others tr_args e in
if c == c' && t == t' && e == e' then f else PIte(c', t', e')
| PEquiv (a, b) ->
let a' = forall_to_others tr_args a in
let b' = forall_to_others tr_args b in
if a == a' && b == b' then f else PEquiv(a', b')
| PForall ([v], f) ->
PAnd (PForall_other ([v], f) :: (fun a -> apply_subst [v, PT (TVar a)] f) tr_args)
| PForall _ | PExists _ | PForall_other _ | PExists_other _ -> f
let uguard_of_formula = function
| PForall_other ([v], f) -> v, satoms_of_dnf f
| _ -> assert false
let rec classify_guards (req, ureq) = function
| [] -> PAnd req, ureq
| PForall_other _ as f :: l -> classify_guards (req, f :: ureq) l
| PAtom _ as f :: l -> classify_guards (f :: req, ureq) l
| _ -> assert false
let rec guard_of_formula_aux = function
| PAtom _ as f -> [satom_of_cube f, []]
| PAnd l ->
let req, ureq = classify_guards ([],[]) l in
[satom_of_cube req, uguard_of_formula ureq]
| POr l -> guard_of_formula_aux l |> List.flatten
| f ->
let req, ureq = classify_guards ([],[]) [f] in
[satom_of_cube req, uguard_of_formula ureq]
let guard_of_formula tr_args f =
match f |> forall_to_others tr_args |> dnf |> up_quantifiers with
| PForall _ | PExists _ | PExists_other _ -> assert false
| f -> guard_of_formula_aux f
let encode_term = function
| TVar v -> Elem (v, Var)
| TTerm t -> t
let encode_pswts pswts =
List.fold_left (fun acc (f, t) ->
let d = satoms_of_dnf (dnf f) in
let t = encode_term t in
List.fold_left (fun acc sa -> (sa, t) :: acc) acc d
) [] pswts
|> List.rev
let encode_pglob_update = function
| PUTerm t -> UTerm (encode_term t)
| PUCase pswts -> UCase (encode_pswts pswts)
let encode_pupdate {pup_loc; pup_arr; pup_arg; pup_swts} =
{ up_loc = pup_loc;
up_arr = pup_arr;
up_arg = pup_arg;
up_swts = encode_pswts pup_swts;
let encode_ptransition
{ptr_lets; ptr_name; ptr_args; ptr_reqs; ptr_assigns;
ptr_upds; ptr_nondets; ptr_loc;} =
let dguards = guard_of_formula ptr_args ptr_reqs in
let tr_assigns = (fun (i, pgu) ->
(i, encode_pglob_update pgu)) ptr_assigns in
let tr_upds = encode_pupdate ptr_upds in
let tr_lets = (fun (x, t) -> (x, encode_term t)) ptr_lets in
List.rev_map (fun (req, ureq) ->
{ tr_name = ptr_name;
tr_args = ptr_args;
tr_reqs = req;
tr_ureq = ureq;
tr_lets = tr_lets;
tr_nondets = ptr_nondets;
tr_loc = ptr_loc }
) dguards
let encode_psystem
{pglobals; pconsts; parrays; ptype_defs;
pinit = init_loc, init_vars, init_f;
pinvs; punsafe; ptrans} =
let other_vars, init_dnf = inits_of_formula init_f in
let init = init_loc, init_vars @ other_vars, init_dnf in
let invs =
List.fold_left (fun acc (inv_loc, inv_vars, inv_f) ->
let other_vars, dnf = unsafes_of_formula inv_f in
let inv_vars = inv_vars @ other_vars in
List.fold_left (fun acc sa -> (inv_loc, inv_vars, sa) :: acc) acc dnf
) [] pinvs
|> List.rev
let unsafe =
List.fold_left (fun acc (unsafe_loc, unsafe_vars, unsafe_f) ->
let other_vars, dnf = unsafes_of_formula unsafe_f in
let unsafe_vars = unsafe_vars @ other_vars in
(fun acc sa -> (unsafe_loc, unsafe_vars, sa) :: acc) acc dnf
) [] punsafe
let trans =
List.fold_left (fun acc ptr ->
List.fold_left (fun acc tr -> tr :: acc) acc (encode_ptransition ptr)
) [] ptrans
|> List.sort (fun t1 t2 ->
let c = compare (List.length t1.tr_args) (List.length t2.tr_args) in
if c <> 0 then c else
let c = compare (List.length t1.tr_upds) (List.length t2.tr_upds) in
if c <> 0 then c else
let c = compare (List.length t1.tr_ureq) (List.length t2.tr_ureq) in
if c <> 0 then c else
compare (SAtom.cardinal t1.tr_reqs) (SAtom.cardinal t2.tr_reqs)
globals = pglobals;
consts = pconsts;
arrays = parrays;
type_defs = ptype_defs;
let psystem_of_decls ~pglobals ~pconsts ~parrays ~ptype_defs pdecls =
let inits, pinvs, punsafe, ptrans =
List.fold_left (fun (inits, invs, unsafes, trans) -> function
| PInit i -> i :: inits, invs, unsafes, trans
| PInv i -> inits, i :: invs, unsafes, trans
| PUnsafe u -> inits, invs, u :: unsafes, trans
| PTrans t -> inits, invs, unsafes, t :: trans
| PFun -> inits, invs, unsafes, trans
) ([],[],[],[]) pdecls
let pinit = match inits with
| [i] -> i
| [] -> failwith "No inititial formula."
| _::_ -> failwith "Only one initital formula alowed."
{ pglobals;
ptrans }
let print_type_defs fmt =
List.iter (function
| _, (ty, []) ->
fprintf fmt "@{<fg_magenta>type@} @{<fg_green>%a@}" Hstring.print ty
| _, (ty, cstrs) ->
fprintf fmt "@{<fg_magenta>type@} @{<fg_green>%a@} = @[<hov>%a@]\n"
Hstring.print ty
(fun fmt -> fprintf fmt "@{<fg_blue>%a@}" Hstring.print)
"@ | ") cstrs
let print_globals fmt =
List.iter (fun (_, g, ty) ->
fprintf fmt "@{<fg_magenta>var@} @{<fg_red>%a@} : @{<fg_green>%a@}@."
Hstring.print g Hstring.print ty
let print_arrays fmt =
List.iter (fun (_, a, (args_ty, ty)) ->
fprintf fmt "@{<fg_magenta>array@} @{<fg_red>%a@}[%a] : @{<fg_green>%a@}@."
Hstring.print a
(fun fmt -> fprintf fmt "@{<fg_green>%a@}" Hstring.print)
",@ ") args_ty
Hstring.print ty
let print_consts fmt =
List.iter (fun (_, c, ty) ->
fprintf fmt "@{<fg_magenta>const@} @{<fg_blue>%a@} : @{<fg_green>%a@}@."
Hstring.print c Hstring.print ty
let print_dnf =
(fun fmt -> fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>%a@]" SAtom.print_inline)
"@ || "
let print_init fmt (_, vars, dnf) =
fprintf fmt "@{<fg_magenta>init@} (%a) {@ %a@ }@,"
Variable.print_vars vars
print_dnf dnf
let print_unsafe fmt =
List.iter (fun (_, vars, u) ->
fprintf fmt "@{<fg_magenta>unsafe@} (%a) {@ %a@ }@,"
Variable.print_vars vars
SAtom.print_inline u
let print_invs fmt =
List.iter (fun (_, vars, inv) ->
fprintf fmt "@{<fg_magenta>invariant@} (%a) {@ %a@ }@,"
Variable.print_vars vars
SAtom.print_inline inv
let print_reqs fmt (tr_reqs, tr_ureq) =
if SAtom.for_all Atom.(equal True) tr_reqs && tr_ureq = [] then ()
fprintf fmt "@{<fg_magenta>requires@} @[<hov 2>{@ %a%a@ }@]@,"
SAtom.print_inline tr_reqs
(fun fmt -> List.iter (fun (v, u) ->
fprintf fmt "@ &&@ @[<hov 1>(@{<fg_magenta>forall_other@} %a.@ %a)@]"
Variable.print v print_dnf u
)) tr_ureq
let print_lets fmt tr_lets =
List.iter (fun (v, t) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<hov>@{<fg_magenta>let@} %a@ =@ %a@ @{<fg_magenta>in@}@]@,"
Hstring.print v Term.print t
) tr_lets
let print_swts fmt swts =
match List.rev swts with
| (_, def) :: rsw ->
fprintf fmt "@[<v -2>@{<fg_magenta>case@}@,";
List.iter (fun (c, t) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>| %a :@ %a@]@," SAtom.print_inline c Term.print t
) (List.rev rsw);
fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>| _ :@ %a@]" Term.print def;
fprintf fmt "@]"
| _ -> assert false
let print_assigns fmt tr_assigns =
List.iter (fun (g, gu) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<hov>%a@ =@ " Hstring.print g;
match gu with
| UTerm t -> fprintf fmt "%a;@]@," Term.print t
| UCase swts -> fprintf fmt "%a;@]@," print_swts swts
) tr_assigns
let print_updates fmt tr_upds =
List.iter (fun { up_arr; up_arg; up_swts } ->
fprintf fmt "@[<hov>%a[%a]@ =@ %a;@]@,"
Hstring.print up_arr
Variable.print_vars up_arg
print_swts up_swts
) tr_upds
let print_nondets fmt =
List.iter (fprintf fmt "%a = ?;@," Hstring.print)
let print_trans fmt =
(fun { tr_name; tr_args; tr_reqs; tr_ureq; tr_lets;
tr_assigns; tr_upds; tr_nondets } ->
fprintf fmt
"@[<v>@{<fg_magenta>transition@} @{<fg_cyan_b>%a@} (%a)@,%a{@[<v 2>@,%a%a%a%a@]}@,@,@]"
Hstring.print tr_name
Variable.print_vars tr_args
print_reqs (tr_reqs, tr_ureq)
print_lets tr_lets
print_assigns tr_assigns
print_updates tr_upds
print_nondets tr_nondets
let print_system fmt { type_defs;
trans } =
print_type_defs fmt type_defs;
pp_print_newline fmt ();
print_globals fmt globals;
print_arrays fmt arrays;
print_consts fmt consts;
pp_print_newline fmt ();
print_init fmt init;
pp_print_newline fmt ();
print_invs fmt invs;
pp_print_newline fmt ();
print_unsafe fmt unsafe;
pp_print_newline fmt ();
print_trans fmt (List.rev trans)
let encode_psystem psys =
let sys = encode_psystem psys in
if Options.debug then print_system std_formatter sys;