open Format
open Hashcons
module Sy = Symbols
type view = {f: Sy.t ; xs: t list; ty: Ty.t; tag: int}
and t = view
module H = struct
type t = view
let equal t1 t2 = try
Sy.equal t1.f t2.f
&& List.for_all2 (==) t1.xs t2.xs
&& Ty.equal t1.ty t2.ty
with Invalid_argument _ -> false
let hash t =
abs (List.fold_left
(fun acc x-> acc*19 +x.tag) (Sy.hash t.f + Ty.hash t.ty)
let tag tag x = {x with tag = tag}
module T = Make(H)
let view t = t
let rec print fmt t =
let {f=x; xs=l; ty=ty} = view t in
match x, l with
| Sy.Op op, [e1; e2] ->
fprintf fmt "(%a %a %a)" print e1 Sy.print x print e2
| _, [] -> fprintf fmt "%a" Sy.print x
| _, _ -> fprintf fmt "%a(%a)" Sy.print x print_list l
and print_list fmt = function
| [] -> ()
| [t] -> print fmt t
| t::l -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a,%a" print t print_list l
let compare t1 t2 =
let c = t2.tag t1.tag in
if c = 0 then c else
match (view t1).f, (view t2).f with
| (Sy.True | Sy.False ), (Sy.True | Sy.False ) -> c
| (Sy.True | Sy.False ), _ -> -1
| _, (Sy.True | Sy.False ) -> 1
| _,_ -> c
let make s l ty = T.hashcons {f=s;xs=l;ty=ty;tag=0 }
let vrai = make (Sy.True) [] Ty.Tbool
let faux = make (Sy.False) [] Ty.Tbool
let int i = make ( i) [] Ty.Tint
let real r = make (Sy.real r) [] Ty.Treal
let is_int t = (view t).ty= Ty.Tint
let is_real t = (view t).ty= Ty.Treal
let equal t1 t2 = t1 == t2
let hash t = t.tag
module Set =
Set.Make(struct type t' = t type t=t' let compare=compare end)
module Map =
Map.Make(struct type t' = t type t=t' let compare=compare end)