(**************************************************************************) |
(* *)
(* Cubicle *)
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(* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 *)
(* *)
(* Sylvain Conchon and Alain Mebsout *)
(* Universite Paris-Sud 11 *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software *)
(* License version 2.0 *)
(* *)
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open Format
type t =
| Tint
| Treal
| Tbool
| Tabstract of Hstring.t
| Tsum of Hstring.t * Hstring.t list
let hash t =
match t with
| Tabstract s -> Hstring.hash s
| Tsum (s, l) ->
let h =
(fun h x -> 13 * h + Hstring.hash x) (Hstring.hash s) l
abs h
| _ -> Hashtbl.hash t
let equal t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| Tabstract s1, Tabstract s2
| Tsum (s1, _), Tsum (s2, _) ->
Hstring.equal s1 s2
| Tint, Tint | Treal, Treal | Tbool, Tbool -> true
| _ -> false
let compare t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| Tabstract s1, Tabstract s2 ->
Hstring.compare s1 s2
| Tabstract _, _ -> -1 | _ , Tabstract _ -> 1
| Tsum (s1, _), Tsum(s2, _) ->
Hstring.compare s1 s2
| Tsum _, _ -> -1 | _ , Tsum _ -> 1
| t1, t2 -> Pervasives.compare t1 t2
let print fmt ty =
match ty with
| Tint -> fprintf fmt "int"
| Treal -> fprintf fmt "real"
| Tbool -> fprintf fmt "bool"
| Tabstract s -> fprintf fmt "%s" (Hstring.view s)
| Tsum (s, _) -> fprintf fmt "%s" (Hstring.view s)