type t = term
let rec compare t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| Const c1, Const c2 -> compare_constants c1 c2
| Const _, _ -> -1 | _, Const _ -> 1
| Elem (_, (Constr | Var)), Elem (_, Glob) -> -1
| Elem (_, Glob), Elem (_, (Constr | Var)) -> 1
| Elem (s1, _), Elem (s2, _) -> s1 s2
| Elem _, _ -> -1 | _, Elem _ -> 1
| Access (a1, l1), Access (a2, l2) ->
let c = a1 a2 in
if c<>0 then c else Hstring.compare_list l1 l2
| Access _, _ -> -1 | _, Access _ -> 1
| Arith (t1, cs1), Arith (t2, cs2) ->
let c = compare t1 t2 in
if c<>0 then c else compare_constants cs1 cs2
let hash = Hashtbl.hash_param 50 50
let equal t1 t2 = compare t1 t2 = 0
let htrue = Hstring.make "True"
let hfalse = Hstring.make "False"
module STerm = Set.Make (struct
type t = term
let compare = compare
module Set = STerm
let rec subst sigma t =
match t with
| Elem (x, s) ->
let nx = Variable.subst sigma x in
if x == nx then t
else Elem (nx, s)
| Access (a, lz) ->
Access (a,
(fun z ->
try Variable.subst sigma z with Not_found -> z) lz)
| Arith (x, c) -> Arith (subst sigma x, c)
| _ -> t
let rec variables = function
| Elem (x, Var) -> Variable.Set.singleton x
| Access (_, lx) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc x -> Variable.Set.add x acc)
Variable.Set.empty lx
| Arith (t, _) -> variables t
| _ -> Variable.Set.empty
let variables_proc t = Variable.Set.filter Variable.is_proc (variables t)
let rec type_of = function
| Const cs ->
if is_int_const (fst (MConst.choose cs)) then
else Smt.Type.type_real
| Elem (x, Var) -> Smt.Type.type_proc
| Elem (x, _) | Access (x, _) -> snd (Smt.Symbol.type_of x)
| Arith(t, _) -> type_of t
let rec print_strings fmt = function
| [] -> ()
| [s] -> fprintf fmt "%s" s
| s :: l -> fprintf fmt "%s %a" s print_strings l
let print_const fmt = function
| ConstInt n | ConstReal n -> fprintf fmt "%s" (Num.string_of_num n)
| ConstName n -> fprintf fmt "%a" Hstring.print n
let print_cs alone fmt cs =
let first = ref true in
(fun c i ->
if !first && alone && i >= 0 then
if i = 1 then print_const fmt c
else fprintf fmt "%s %a" (string_of_int (abs i)) print_const c
fprintf fmt " %s %a"
(if i = 1 then "+" else if i = -1 then "-"
else if i < 0 then "- "^(string_of_int (abs i))
else "+ "^(string_of_int (abs i)))
print_const c;
first := false;
) cs
let rec print fmt = function
| Const cs -> print_cs true fmt cs
| Elem (s, _) -> fprintf fmt "%a" Hstring.print s
| Access (a, li) ->
fprintf fmt "%a[%a]" Hstring.print a (Hstring.print_list ", ") li
| Arith (x, cs) ->
fprintf fmt "@[%a%a@]" print x (print_cs false) cs