open Format
open Options
open Util
module HSet = Hstring.HSet
type op_comp = Eq | Lt | Le | Neq
type sort = Glob | Constr | Var
type const =
ConstInt of Num.num | ConstReal of Num.num | ConstName of Hstring.t
let compare_const c1 c2 = match c1, c2 with
| (ConstInt n1 | ConstReal n1), (ConstInt n2 | ConstReal n2) ->
Num.compare_num n1 n2
| (ConstInt _ | ConstReal _), _ -> -1
| _, (ConstInt _ | ConstReal _) -> 1
| ConstName h1, ConstName h2 -> h1 h2
module MConst = struct
module M = Map.Make (struct type t = const let compare = compare_const end)
include M
exception Choose of const * int
let choose m =
M.iter (fun c i -> raise (Choose (c, i))) m;
raise Not_found
with Choose (c, i) -> c, i
let is_num m =
if M.cardinal m = 1 then
match choose m with
| (ConstInt n | ConstReal n), i -> Some (Num.mult_num (Num.Int i) n)
| _ -> None
else None
module Var = struct
type t =
| V of Hstring.t * sort
| T of Hstring.t * Variable.t list
let compare x y =
match x, y with
| V(a1,s1), V(a2, s2) ->
let c = s1 s2 in
if c <> 0 then c
else a1 a2
| T(t1,l1), T(t2,l2) ->
let c = t1 t2 in
if c<>0 then c
else Variable.compare_list l1 l2
| V(_,_), T(_,_) -> -1
| T(_,_), V(_,_) -> 1
module VMap = Map.Make(Var)
type cst = CInt of Num.num | CReal of Num.num | CName of Hstring.t
type poly = cst VMap.t * cst
type term =
| Const of int MConst.t
| Elem of Hstring.t * sort
| Access of Hstring.t * Variable.t list
| Arith of term * int MConst.t
let is_int_const = function
| ConstInt _ -> true
| ConstReal _ -> false
| ConstName n ->
Hstring.equal (snd (Smt.Symbol.type_of n)) Smt.Type.type_int
let compare_constants =
let num_of_const = function
| ConstInt n | ConstReal n -> n
| _ -> assert false
let add_constnum c i num =
match c, num with
| ConstInt n, ConstInt m ->
ConstInt (Num.add_num (Num.mult_num (Num.Int i) n) m)
| (ConstInt n | ConstReal n), (ConstInt m | ConstReal m) ->
ConstReal (Num.add_num (Num.mult_num (Num.Int i) n) m)
| _ -> assert false
let split_num_consts cs =
(fun c i (cs, num) ->
match c, num with
| ConstName _, _ -> MConst.add c i cs, num
| _ -> cs, add_constnum c i num)
cs (MConst.empty, ConstInt (Num.Int 0))
let add_constant c i cs =
match c with
| ConstInt _ | ConstReal _ ->
let cs, num = split_num_consts cs in
let num = add_constnum c i num in
if Num.compare_num (num_of_const num) (Num.Int 0) = 0 then cs
else MConst.add num 1 cs
| _ ->
let i' = try MConst.find c cs with Not_found -> 0 in
let i = i + i' in
if i = 0 then MConst.remove c cs
else MConst.add c i cs
let add_constants cs1 cs2 =
let m = MConst.fold add_constant cs2 cs1 in
if MConst.is_empty m then
let c0 =
if is_int_const (fst (MConst.choose cs1)) then
ConstInt (Num.Int 0)
else ConstReal (Num.Int 0)
MConst.add c0 1 m
else m
let mult_const a = (fun i -> i * a)
let const_sign c =
let n = ref (Num.Int 0) in
MConst.iter (fun c i ->
if i <> 0 then
match c with
| ConstName _ -> raise Exit
| ConstInt a | ConstReal a ->
n := Num.add_num (Num.mult_num (Num.Int i) a) !n) c;
Some (Num.compare_num !n (Num.Int 0))
with Exit -> None
let const_nul c = const_sign c = Some 0
module Term = struct
type t = term
let rec compare t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| Const c1, Const c2 -> compare_constants c1 c2
| Const _, _ -> -1 | _, Const _ -> 1
| Elem (_, (Constr | Var)), Elem (_, Glob) -> -1
| Elem (_, Glob), Elem (_, (Constr | Var)) -> 1
| Elem (s1, _), Elem (s2, _) -> s1 s2
| Elem _, _ -> -1 | _, Elem _ -> 1
| Access (a1, l1), Access (a2, l2) ->
let c = a1 a2 in
if c<>0 then c else Hstring.compare_list l1 l2
| Access _, _ -> -1 | _, Access _ -> 1
| Arith (t1, cs1), Arith (t2, cs2) ->
let c = compare t1 t2 in
if c<>0 then c else compare_constants cs1 cs2
let hash = Hashtbl.hash_param 50 50
let equal t1 t2 = compare t1 t2 = 0
let htrue = Hstring.make "True"
let hfalse = Hstring.make "False"
module STerm = Set.Make (struct
type t = term
let compare = compare
module Set = STerm
let rec subst sigma t =
match t with
| Elem (x, s) ->
let nx = Variable.subst sigma x in
if x == nx then t
else Elem (nx, s)
| Access (a, lz) ->
Access (a,
(fun z ->
try Variable.subst sigma z with Not_found -> z) lz)
| Arith (x, c) -> Arith (subst sigma x, c)
| _ -> t
let rec variables = function
| Elem (x, Var) -> Variable.Set.singleton x
| Access (_, lx) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc x -> Variable.Set.add x acc)
Variable.Set.empty lx
| Arith (t, _) -> variables t
| _ -> Variable.Set.empty
let variables_proc t = Variable.Set.filter Variable.is_proc (variables t)
let rec type_of = function
| Const cs ->
if is_int_const (fst (MConst.choose cs)) then
else Smt.Type.type_real
| Elem (x, Var) -> Smt.Type.type_proc
| Elem (x, _) | Access (x, _) -> snd (Smt.Symbol.type_of x)
| Arith(t, _) -> type_of t
let rec print_strings fmt = function
| [] -> ()
| [s] -> fprintf fmt "%s" s
| s :: l -> fprintf fmt "%s %a" s print_strings l
let print_const fmt = function
| ConstInt n | ConstReal n -> fprintf fmt "%s" (Num.string_of_num n)
| ConstName n -> fprintf fmt "%a" Hstring.print n
let print_cs alone fmt cs =
let first = ref true in
(fun c i ->
if !first && alone && i >= 0 then
if i = 1 then print_const fmt c
else fprintf fmt "%s %a" (string_of_int (abs i)) print_const c
fprintf fmt " %s %a"
(if i = 1 then "+" else if i = -1 then "-"
else if i < 0 then "- "^(string_of_int (abs i))
else "+ "^(string_of_int (abs i)))
print_const c;
first := false;
) cs
let rec print fmt = function
| Const cs -> print_cs true fmt cs
| Elem (s, _) -> fprintf fmt "%a" Hstring.print s
| Access (a, li) ->
fprintf fmt "%a[%a]" Hstring.print a (Hstring.print_list ", ") li
| Arith (x, cs) ->
fprintf fmt "@[%a%a@]" print x (print_cs false) cs
module rec Atom : sig
type t =
| True
| False
| Comp of Term.t * op_comp * Term.t
| Ite of SAtom.t * t * t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val trivial_is_implied : t -> t -> int
val neg : t -> t
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subst : Variable.subst -> t -> t
val has_var : Variable.t -> t -> bool
val has_vars : Variable.t list -> t -> bool
val variables : t -> Variable.Set.t
val variables_proc : t -> Variable.Set.t
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val print_atoms : bool -> string -> Format.formatter -> t list -> unit
end = struct
type t =
| True
| False
| Comp of Term.t * op_comp * Term.t
| Ite of SAtom.t * t * t
let rec compare a1 a2 =
match a1, a2 with
| True, True -> 0
| True, _ -> -1 | _, True -> 1
| False, False -> 0
| False, _ -> -1 | _, False -> 1
| Comp (x1, op1, y1), Comp (x2, op2, y2) ->
let c1 = x1 x2 in
if c1 <> 0 then c1
let c0 = op1 op2 in
if c0 <> 0 then c0
let c2 = y1 y2 in c2
| Comp _, _ -> -1 | _, Comp _ -> 1
| Ite (sa1, a1, b1), Ite (sa2, a2, b2) ->
let c = sa1 sa2 in
if c<>0 then c else
let c = compare a1 a2 in
if c<>0 then c else compare b1 b2
let trivial_is_implied a1 a2 =
match a1, a2 with
| Comp (x1, Neq, Elem (v1, (Constr|Var))),
Comp (x2, Eq, Elem (v2, (Constr|Var)))
when not (Hstring.equal v1 v2) && x1 x2 = 0 -> 0
| _ -> compare a1 a2
let neg = function
| True -> False
| False -> True
| Comp (c, Eq, (Elem (x, Constr))) when Hstring.equal x Term.hfalse ->
Comp (c, Eq, (Elem (Term.htrue, Constr)))
| Comp (c, Eq, (Elem (x, Constr))) when Hstring.equal x Term.htrue ->
Comp (c, Eq, (Elem (Term.hfalse, Constr)))
| Comp (x, Eq, y) -> Comp (x, Neq, y)
| Comp (x, Lt, y) -> Comp (y, Le, x)
| Comp (x, Le, y) -> Comp (y, Lt, x)
| Comp (x, Neq, y) -> Comp (x, Eq, y)
| _ -> assert false
let hash (sa: Atom.t) = Hashtbl.hash_param 50 100 sa
let equal x y = compare x y = 0
let rec subst sigma a =
match a with
| Ite (sa, a1, a2) ->
Ite(SAtom.subst sigma sa,
subst sigma a1,
subst sigma a2)
| Comp (x, op, y) ->
let sx = Term.subst sigma x in
let sy = Term.subst sigma y in
if x == sx && y == sy then a
else Comp(sx, op, sy)
| _ -> a
let rec has_vars_term vs = function
| Elem (x, Var) -> Hstring.list_mem x vs
| Access (_, lx) -> List.exists (fun z -> Hstring.list_mem z lx) vs
| Arith (x, _) -> has_vars_term vs x
| _ -> false
let rec has_vars vs = function
| True | False -> false
| Comp (x, _, y) -> has_vars_term vs x || has_vars_term vs y
| Ite (sa, a1, a2) ->
SAtom.exists (has_vars vs) sa || has_vars vs a1 || has_vars vs a2
let has_var v = has_vars [v]
let rec variables = function
| True | False -> Variable.Set.empty
| Comp (t1, _, t2) ->
Variable.Set.union (Term.variables t1) (Term.variables t2)
| Ite (sa, a1, a2) ->
let acc = Variable.Set.union (variables a1) (variables a2) in
Variable.Set.union acc (SAtom.variables sa)
let variables_proc a = Variable.Set.filter Variable.is_proc (variables a)
let str_op_comp = function Eq -> "=" | Lt -> "<" | Le -> "<=" | Neq -> "<>"
let rec print fmt = function
| True -> fprintf fmt "true"
| False -> fprintf fmt "false"
| Comp (x, op, y) ->
fprintf fmt "%a %s %a" Term.print x (str_op_comp op) Term.print y
| Ite (la, a1, a2) ->
fprintf fmt "@[ite(%a,@ %a,@ %a)@]"
(print_atoms false "&&") (SAtom.elements la) print a1 print a2
and print_atoms inline sep fmt = function
| [] -> ()
| [a] -> print fmt a
| a::l ->
if inline then
fprintf fmt "%a %s@ %a" print a sep (print_atoms inline sep) l
fprintf fmt "%a %s@\n%a" print a sep (print_atoms inline sep) l
and SAtom : sig
include Set.S with type elt = Atom.t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val subst : Variable.subst -> t -> t
val variables : t -> Variable.Set.t
val variables_proc : t -> Variable.Set.t
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val print_inline : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
end = struct
include Set.Make(Atom)
let add a s =
match a with
| Atom.True -> s
| Atom.False -> singleton Atom.False
| _ -> if mem Atom.False s then s else add a s
let equal sa1 sa2 = compare sa1 sa2 = 0
let hash (sa:t) = Hashtbl.hash_param 100 500 sa
let subst sigma sa =
if Variable.is_subst_identity sigma then sa
fold (fun a -> add (Atom.subst sigma a)) sa empty
let subst sigma sa =
TimerApply.start ();
let sa = subst sigma sa in
TimerApply.pause ();
let variables sa =
fold (fun a -> Variable.Set.union (Atom.variables a)) sa Variable.Set.empty
let variables_proc sa = Variable.Set.filter Variable.is_proc (variables sa)
let print fmt sa =
fprintf fmt "@[<hov>%a@]" (Atom.print_atoms false "&&") (elements sa)
let print_inline fmt sa =
fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" (Atom.print_atoms true "&&") (elements sa)
module ArrayAtom = struct
type t = Atom.t array
let equal a1 a2 =
let n = Array.length a1 in
let n2 = Array.length a2 in
if n <> n2 then false
let res = ref true in
let i = ref 0 in
while !res && !i < n do
res := ( a1.(!i) a2.(!i) = 0);
incr i
let hash = Hashtbl.hash_param 100 500
let subset a1 a2 =
TimerSubset.start ();
let n1 = Array.length a1 in
let n2 = Array.length a2 in
let s =
if n1 > n2 then false
let i1 = ref 0 in
let i2 = ref 0 in
while !i1 < n1 && !i2 < n2 do
let c = a1.(!i1) a2.(!i2) in
if c = 0 then (incr i1; incr i2)
else if c < 0 then i2 := n2
else incr i2
!i1 = n1
TimerSubset.pause ();
let trivial_is_implied a1 a2 =
TimerSubset.start ();
let n1 = Array.length a1 in
let n2 = Array.length a2 in
let s =
if n1 > n2 then false
let i1 = ref 0 in
let i2 = ref 0 in
while !i1 < n1 && !i2 < n2 do
let c = Atom.trivial_is_implied a1.(!i1) a2.(!i2) in
if c = 0 then (incr i1; incr i2)
else if c < 0 then i2 := n2
else incr i2
!i1 = n1
TimerSubset.pause ();
let subset = trivial_is_implied
let of_satom s =
Array.of_list (SAtom.elements s)
let to_satom =
Array.fold_left (fun s a -> SAtom.add a s) SAtom.empty
let union a b = Array.append a b
let apply_subst sigma a =
TimerApply.start ();
if Variable.is_subst_identity sigma then (TimerApply.pause (); a)
let a' = Array.init (Array.length a) (fun i -> Atom.subst sigma a.(i)) in
Array.fast_sort a';
TimerApply.pause ();
let alpha atoms args =
let subst = Variable.build_subst args Variable.alphas in snd subst, apply_subst subst atoms
let nb_diff a1 a2 =
TimerSubset.start ();
let cpt = ref 0 in
let n1 = Array.length a1 in
let n2 = Array.length a2 in
let i1 = ref 0 in
let i2 = ref 0 in
while !i1 < n1 && !i2 < n2 do
let c = a1.(!i1) a2.(!i2) in
if c = 0 then (incr i1; incr i2)
else if c < 0 then (incr cpt; incr i1)
else incr i2
TimerSubset.pause ();
!cpt + (n1 - !i1)
let compare_nb_diff a p1 p2 = (nb_diff p1 a) (nb_diff p2 a)
let nb_common a1 a2 =
TimerSubset.start ();
let cpt = ref 0 in
let n1 = Array.length a1 in
let n2 = Array.length a2 in
let i1 = ref 0 in
let i2 = ref 0 in
while !i1 < n1 && !i2 < n2 do
let c = a1.(!i1) a2.(!i2) in
if c = 0 then (incr cpt; incr i1; incr i2)
else if c < 0 then incr i1
else incr i2
TimerSubset.pause ();
(float_of_int !cpt) /. (float_of_int n1)
let compare_nb_common a p1 p2 = (nb_common p2 a) (nb_common p1 a)
let diff a1 a2 =
let n1 = Array.length a1 in
let n2 = Array.length a2 in
let i1 = ref 0 in
let i2 = ref 0 in
let cpt = ref 0 in
let d = Array.copy a1 in
while !i1 < n1 && !i2 < n2 do
let ai1 = a1.(!i1) in
let c = ai1 a2.(!i2) in
if c = 0 then (incr i1; incr i2)
else if c < 0 then begin
d.(!cpt) <- ai1;
incr cpt;
incr i1
else incr i2
while !i1 < n1 do
d.(!cpt) <- a1.(!i1);
incr cpt;
incr i1
Array.sub d 0 !cpt
let print fmt a =
fprintf fmt "@[<hov>%a@]" (Atom.print_atoms false "&&") (Array.to_list a)