open Format
open Lexing
module TimerSubset = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimerApply = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimeFix = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimeEasyFix = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimeHardFix = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimeRP = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimePre = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimeSort = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimeForward = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimeCheckCand = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimeFormula = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimeSimpl = Timer.Make (Options)
module TimeCertificate = Timer.Make (struct let profiling = true end)
let nb_digits n =
if n < 10 then 1
else if n < 100 then 2
else if n < 1000 then 3
else if n < 10000 then 4
else if n < 100000 then 5
else if n < 1000000 then 6
else String.length (string_of_int n)
let reset_gc_params =
let gc_c = Gc.get() in
fun () -> Gc.set gc_c
let set_liberal_gc () =
Gc.full_major ();
let gc_c =
{ (Gc.get ()) with
Gc.minor_heap_size = 64000000;
major_heap_increment = 3200000;
space_overhead = 100;
Gc.set gc_c
let syscall cmd =
let ic, oc = Unix.open_process cmd in
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
while true do
Buffer.add_channel buf ic 1
with End_of_file -> ());
ignore(Unix.close_process (ic, oc));
Buffer.contents buf
let syscall_full cmd =
let inc, outc, errc = Unix.open_process_full cmd (Unix.environment ()) in
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
let buferr = Buffer.create 16 in
while true do
Buffer.add_channel buf inc 1
with End_of_file -> ());
while true do
Buffer.add_channel buferr errc 1
with End_of_file -> ());
let status = Unix.close_process_full (inc, outc, errc) in
let s = Buffer.contents buferr in
let l = String.length s in
let serr = if l > 0 then String.sub s 0 ((String.length s) - 1) else s in
(Buffer.contents buf, serr, status)
let rec remove_trailing_whitespaces_end str =
if String.length str > 0 &&
(str.[String.length str - 1] = '\n'
|| str.[String.length str - 1] = ' '
|| str.[String.length str - 1] = '\t') then
remove_trailing_whitespaces_end (String.sub str 0 (String.length str - 1))
else str
type color =
{ c_red : float;
c_green : float;
c_blue : float; }
let hex_color c =
Format.sprintf "#%02X%02X%02X"
(int_of_float c.c_red)
(int_of_float c.c_green)
(int_of_float c.c_blue)
let red = { c_red = 255.; c_green = 0.; c_blue = 0. }
let green = { c_red = 0.; c_green = 255.; c_blue = 0. }
let blue = { c_red = 0.; c_green = 0.; c_blue = 255. }
let black = { c_red = 0.; c_green = 0.; c_blue = 0. }
let white = { c_red = 255.; c_green = 255.; c_blue = 255. }
let magenta = { c_red = 255.; c_green = 0.; c_blue = 255. }
let incr_ccomp c inc_c =
let r = c +. !inc_c in
if r > 255. || r < 0. then c
else r
let chromatic start stop steps =
let now = ref start in
let fstep = float_of_int steps in
if fstep = 0. then fun () -> black
let inc_red = ref ((stop.c_red -. start.c_red) /. fstep) in
let inc_green = ref ((stop.c_green -. start.c_green) /. fstep) in
let inc_blue = ref ((stop.c_blue -. start.c_blue) /. fstep) in
fun () ->
now := {
c_red = incr_ccomp !now.c_red inc_red;
c_green = incr_ccomp !now.c_green inc_green;
c_blue = incr_ccomp !now.c_blue inc_blue;
type loc = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
let report_loc fmt (b,e) =
let l = b.pos_lnum in
let fc = b.pos_cnum - b.pos_bol + 1 in
let lc = e.pos_cnum - b.pos_bol + 1 in
fprintf fmt "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d:"
Options.file l fc lc