let print_report ~safe visited candidates =
print_candidates ~safe candidates;
Pretty.print_title std_formatter "STATS";
printf "Number of visited nodes : %d@." !cpt_nodes;
printf "Fixpoints : %d@." !cpt_fix;
printf "Number of solver calls : %d@." (Prover.SMT.get_calls ());
printf "Max Number of processes : %d@." !cpt_process;
if Options.delete then
printf "Number of deleted nodes : %d@." !cpt_delete;
if do_brab then
printf "Number of %s : %d@."
(if safe then "invariants" else "candidates") (List.length candidates);
printf "Restarts : @[%d%a@]@." !cpt_restart
print_rounds_nb ();
if profiling then
printf "%a" Pretty.print_line ();
print_time_pre ();
print_time_fix ();
print_time_rp ();
print_time_simpl ();
print_time_subset ();
print_time_apply ();
print_time_sort ();
print_time_formulas ();
print_time_prover ();
print_time_forward ();
print_time_ccheck ();
printf "%a" Pretty.print_double_line ()