Module Variable (.ml)

module Variable: sig .. end

Variables of the parameterized domain

type t = Hstring.t 

the type of variables

type subst = (t * t) list 

the type of variable substitutions

module Set: Set.S  with type elt = t

set of variables

val compare : t -> t -> int
val compare_list : t list -> t list -> int

Predefinied variables

val procs : t list

predefinied list of skolem variables #1, #2, #3, ... Their number is controlled by Options.max_proc

val proc_vars_int : int list
val alphas : t list
val freshs : t list
val number : t -> int
val is_proc : t -> bool

returns true if the variable is a skolem process #i


val build_subst : t list -> t list -> subst

constructs a variable substitution

val subst : subst -> t -> t

apply a variable substitution to a variable

val is_subst_identity : subst -> bool

returns true if the substitution is the identity function

val well_formed_subst : subst -> bool

returns true if the substitution is well formed, i.e. bindings are unique and different elements of the domain are associated to different elements of the codomain.

Variable instantiation

val all_permutations : 'a list -> 'a list -> ('a * 'a) list list

all_permutations l1 l2 returns all possible substitutions from l1 to l2 assuming that the variables of both lists are distinct. l2 must be longer than (or the same size as) l1

val all_instantiations : t list -> t list -> subst list

same as Variable.all_permutations but does not assume elements of l1 to be distinct. l1 can be longer than l2.

val all_arrangements : int -> t list -> t list list
val all_arrangements_arity : Hstring.t -> t list -> t list list
val permutations_missing : t list -> t list -> subst list
val extra_vars : t list -> t list -> t list
val extra_procs : t list -> t list -> t list
val append_extra_procs : t list -> t list -> t list
val give_procs : int -> t list


val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val print_vars : Format.formatter -> t list -> unit
val print_subst : Format.formatter -> subst -> unit