A | |
abstract [Sum] | |
answer [Sig] | |
atom [Enumsolver_types] | |
atom [Solver_types] | |
atom [Ptree] | |
C | |
cformula [Ptree] | |
check_strategy [Smt_sig.S] | Check sat strategy |
clause [Enumsolver_types] | |
clause [Solver_types] | |
color [Util] | |
combinator [Smt_sig.S.Formula] | The type of operators |
comparator [Smt_sig.S.Formula] | The type of comparators: |
const [Types] | constant: it can be an integer, a real or a constant name |
cst [Types] | |
D | |
dnf [Ast] | Disjunctive normal form: each element of the list is a disjunct |
E | |
elem [Heap.S] | |
elt [Use.ST] | |
elt [Use] | |
elt [Literal.S] | |
env [Enumerative] | The type of environments for enumerative explorations |
error [Smt_sig.S] | |
error [Typing] | |
exp [Explanation] | |
F | |
formula [Ptree] | |
G | |
glob_update [Ast] | |
H | |
hash_consed [Hashcons] | |
I | |
ident [Enumsolver_types] | |
init_instance [Ast] | Type of instantiated initial formulas |
input [Sig] | |
inst_trans [Forward] | the type of instantiated transitions |
K | |
key [Hashcons.S_consed] | |
kind [Ast] | the kind of nodes |
L | |
literal [Smt_sig.S.Formula] | The type of literals |
literal [Sig] | |
loc [Util] | Location in file |
N | |
name_kind [Symbols] | |
node_cube [Ast] | the type of nodes, i.e. |
O | |
op_comp [Types] | comparison operators for litterals |
operator [Symbols] | |
operator [Smt_sig.S.Term] | The type of operators |
P | |
pdecl [Ptree] | |
pglob_update [Ptree] | |
poly [Types] | |
possible_result [Forward] | |
premise [Enumsolver_types] | |
premise [Solver_types] | |
pswts [Ptree] | |
psystem [Ptree] | |
ptransition [Ptree] | |
pupdate [Ptree] | |
R | |
r [Sig.C] | |
r [Sig.X] | |
r [Sig.COMBINATOR] | |
r [Polynome.S] | |
r [Sig.RELATION] | |
r [Sig.THEORY] | Type of representants of terms of the theory |
r [Polynome.T] | |
reason [Enumsolver_types] | |
reason [Solver_types] | |
reset_memo [Pre] | Pre-image computation |
result [Sig] | |
result [Bwd] | |
S | |
solver [Options] | |
sort [Types] | sort of single symbol |
state [Enumsolver.Make] | |
state [Solver.Make] | |
state [Enumerative] | The type of states, we allow states to be constructed from the outside by
calling the function |
subst [Variable] | the type of variable substitutions |
swts [Ast] | The type of case switches case | c1 : t1 | c2 : t2 | _ : tn |
system [Ast] | type of untyped transition systems constructed by parsing |
T | |
t [Vec] | |
t [Iheap] | |
t [Hstring] | The type of Hash-consed string |
t [Heap.OrderType] | |
t [Heap.S] | |
t [Hashcons.HashedType_consed] | |
t [Hashcons.HashedType] | |
t [Hashcons.S] | |
t [Use.Make] | |
t [Use.ST] | |
t [Use.S] | |
t [Use.T] | |
t [Uf.S] | |
t [Ty] | |
t [Term] | |
t [Symbols] | |
t [Smt_sig.S.Formula] | The type of ground formulas |
t [Smt_sig.S.Term] | The type of terms |
t [Smt_sig.S.Symbol] | The type of function symbols |
t [Smt_sig.S.Type] | The type of types in the solver |
t [Sig.C] | |
t [Literal.OrderedType] | |
t [Literal.S] | |
t [Intervals] | |
t [Explanation] | |
t [Cc.S] | |
t [Sig.RELATION] | |
t [Sig.THEORY] | Type of terms of the theory |
t [Polynome.T] | |
t [Variable] | the type of variables |
t [Types.ArrayAtom] | values of this type should be constructed with the invariant that the array must be sorted at all times |
t [Types.Atom] | the type of atoms |
t [Types.Term] | |
t [Types.Var] | |
t [Node] | the type of nodes constructed during the search |
t [Cubetrie] | Trie, mapping sets of atoms (i.e. |
t [Cube] | the type of cubes, i.e. |
t [Bwd.PriorityNodeQueue] | |
t_system [Ast] | type of typed transition systems |
term [Types] | the type of terms |
term [Ptree] | |
term_or_formula [Ptree] | |
th [Sig.COMBINATOR] | |
trace [Options] | |
trace [Ast] | type of error traces, also the type of history of nodes |
trace_step [Ast] | type of elementary steps of error traces |
transition [Ast] | type of parameterized transitions with function |
transition_func [Ast] | functionnal form, computed during typing phase |
transition_info [Ast] | type of parameterized transitions |
type_constructors [Ast] | Type and constructors declaration: |
U | |
update [Ast] | conditionnal updates with cases, ex. |
V | |
var [Enumsolver_types] | |
var [Solver_types] | |
view [Term] | |
view [Literal] | |
viz_prog [Options] |