module Prover:sig
Interface with the SMT solver
module SMT:Smt.Solver
Instance of the SMT solver
val unsafe : Ast.t_system -> Node.t -> unit
Checks if the node is directly reachable on init of the system
val reached : Hstring.t list -> Types.SAtom.t -> Types.SAtom.t -> unit
reached vars s1 s2
raises Unsat
if s2 has not been reached
val assume_goal : Node.t -> unit
Clears the context and assumes a goal formula
val assume_node : Node.t -> Types.ArrayAtom.t -> unit
assume_node n a
assumes the negation of a node n
given in the form of a
renaming a
; raises Unsat
if the context becomes unsatisfiable
val assume_goal_no_check : Node.t -> unit
Same as assume_goal but without the solver check
val assume_node_no_check : Node.t -> Types.ArrayAtom.t -> unit
Same as assume_node but without the solver check
val check_guard : Hstring.t list -> Types.SAtom.t -> Types.SAtom.t -> unit
check_guard vars s g
checks if the guard g is feasible in state s
raises Unsat
if it is not the case
val make_literal : Types.Atom.t -> Smt.Formula.t
val make_formula : Types.ArrayAtom.t -> Smt.Formula.t
val make_formula_set : Types.SAtom.t -> Smt.Formula.t
val run : unit -> unit
Runs the SMT solver on its current context
val assume_goal_nodes : Node.t -> (Node.t * Types.ArrayAtom.t) list -> unit